In-game battle simulator

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • In-game battle simulator

      Ok this game really needs an in-game battle simulator, or at least something that will show you your losses/profits on an espionage report. Maybe it could be some kind of button on an EspReport that opens up a pop-up window, plain and simple type, enter your ships you want to send, and there it shows you your losses/profits. You shouldn't have to reach for third party websites to help you do something so necessary for this game. Nobody wants to blindly send their fleet at a target they don't know what the outcome will be! Some people don't want to use add-ons like Antigame to pollute their screens with unnecessary stuff. You shouldn't need antigame or battle simulators on the web to play this game as a fleeter!!! It should all work within itself.
    • Guritchi wrote:

      In the meantime, try UniverseView. It is an approved extension for chrome/firefox/opera that does exactly what you want (and a lot more without polluting your screen as much as Antigame)
      Ive tried that, didn't like it either, I want the basic game to work entirely within itself was my point. I want to be able to do attacks strategically with my phone as well, I am traveling and at work most of the day with some time off here and there, I want to do attacks in that time and add-ons are only possible with special browsers on a mobile phone.

      I've tried those add-ons on my phone and it slows everything down and makes it frustrating to play.
    • maybe to have a game more friendly from phone, will do ogame become too much different fron the past (already by phone, it is very more hard to crash someone because virtually always online, and in same time very more easy to organize game).

      So in my opinion improve game from phone it is not a good idea for the mechanism of ogame.

    • TGWo wrote:

      So in my opinion improve game from phone it is not a good idea for the mechanism of ogame.

      It depends on how the game is implemented on mobile. It would be viable if there is no notifications for attacks when the application is closed or reduced (only alert in-game if espionage is high enough). It's already possible to be 'always online' with the web mobile version.

      Otherwise a lot of other mechanisms could be introduce to extend fleetcrash capabilities, like EMP missile to temporary paralyze part of the targetted fleet on planet, and so on...

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Guritchi ().

    • Guritchi wrote:

      It depends on how the game is implemented on mobile. It would be viable if there is no notifications for attacks when the application is closed or reduced (only alert in-game if espionage is high enough). It's already possible to be 'always online' with the web mobile version.
      yes sure ....... but now from mobile version is not so easy to attack, or organize if you are under attack ............ if everybody complaining about mobile version that is not as from pc, it is because atm from mobile you use only for emergency and to check account, not to play.

      Guritchi wrote:

      Otherwise a lot of other mechanisms could be introduce to extend fleetcrash capabilities, like EMP missile to temporary paralyze part of the targetted fleet on planet, and so on...
      If you change completely the game mechanisms, then maybe it could have sense, but at that point could be not more Ogame but an other game .............. for example if there are that missile, must exist way to defende from them.

      Sure Ogame need more developen, but need also balance in that change.

      PS: few years ago GameForge decided to left mobile world .......... so now GameForge don't have developers in that target. There was a moment that ogame app was in developen and i tested also (there are images in facebook page of Ogame , but stopped)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • stellar pegasus wrote:

      add-ons are only possible with special browsers on a mobile phone.
      I've tried those add-ons on my phone and it slows everything down and makes it frustrating to play.
      just use firefox on your phone. I have never had any issues with it being slowed down by add-ons.

      Back to the core issue. I don't think it would be good for the game if GF developed their own simulator.
      There are enough in-game bugs for them to deal with and @Warsaalk the developer of trashsim does a wonderful job of fixing bugs as they come.

      Besides I don't really see the problem with having 2 tabs open. 1 for ogame and one for trashsim