Npc planets/outposts

    • General

    • Npc planets/outposts

      The idea is rather simple, on random locations npc pirates/aliens/encounters appear on the galaxy map. The point of this is to add some variation to the game in form of combat.
      Its good that great ranked players cant really attack lower ones, but with the lack of players, low ranked are kinda forced to attack the same players or risk becoming bandits.
      New players dont go far into the game and often quit because they have to wait to long.. or dont have any targets that are close enough or worth it.
      This basicly gives something to do while waiting, speeds up a bit and creates some challenges for small and bigger players.

      Some examples:
      Pirate/alien outpost with some/medium/heavy/insane deffence or fleet
      Ressources outpost
      Deffence outpost you have to deffend for some time
      Distress call

      It kinda changes to game... but late game it should stay the same.
      What do you guys think?
    • I am totally for this idea except I would like it more if it were not npc planets that stay there forever, but rather a group of ships spotted in some system, and you only have a few hours to attack them for unknown res reward and DF from their ships. Aliens/pirates would be what they are. They should appear and disappear randomly and you have to be online more to find more of these "spotted foreign fleets".
    • stellar pegasus wrote:

      I am totally for this idea except I would like it more if it were not npc planets that stay there forever, but rather a group of ships spotted in some system, and you only have a few hours to attack them for unknown res reward and DF from their ships. Aliens/pirates would be what they are. They should appear and disappear randomly and you have to be online more to find more of these "spotted foreign fleets".
      so no skill, only to be nerd ?
      Maybe random can spotted sometimes, but if this will be the only way, then i don't like , because who play 20 hours will have an easy income, who play 2 hours will find nothing.
      Better to add ore different kind of npc, where also need skill to study and catch a recall.

    • TGWo wrote:

      stellar pegasus wrote:

      I am totally for this idea except I would like it more if it were not npc planets that stay there forever, but rather a group of ships spotted in some system, and you only have a few hours to attack them for unknown res reward and DF from their ships. Aliens/pirates would be what they are. They should appear and disappear randomly and you have to be online more to find more of these "spotted foreign fleets".
      so no skill, only to be nerd ?Maybe random can spotted sometimes, but if this will be the only way, then i don't like , because who play 20 hours will have an easy income, who play 2 hours will find nothing.
      Better to add ore different kind of npc, where also need skill to study and catch a recall.

      Those who play 20 hours will not last long in the game.