Moving account to another domain

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    • Moving account to another domain


      In future there should be a possibility to move accounts to other domains. Some of them (for example Balkan) are almost dead and the players dont have any motivation to play on.

      The account should be copied to the other domain and deleted in the old one. Of course, you cant go into a universe where you would be the strongest or one of the strongest account.

      Because of the complexity of this procedure GF could ask for a big amount of Dark Matter.

      A fusion of domains would be even better but i dont think that GF is capable of such a procedure without massive errors..

      Aonikenk likes this.

    • I want to move my account from ogame BALKAN to for example OGAME ORG or OGAME DE because there is almost nothing more to do in my universe

      15 active players...

      Other universes on Balkan Server also almost dead

      There should be a possbilty for players to save their account.

      And if i takes to pay for it, i would pay. 1.000.000 Dark Matter ? No problem

      Soon i can sell my 60 billion fleet to the scrap merchant
    • Maybe soon will be organized a fusion from dead country (this sure is a good idea ......... and maybe in a far future will be only international universes as someone ask) ......... but i don't like idea that you will be free to move everywere you want and when you want ............. better that it is GF that decide when and what target and move all accounts, not only who can pay ............ no need to give other opportunities for disparity between those who pay and those who do not