constant trade rate

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    • constant trade rate

      hello everyone

      i will write smth later but
      the idea is :

      1. simple constant exchange rate 3;2;1

      nothing more
      it will do much good .
      think about it , and write your opinion .
      i will write more about it soon

      ppl in polish ogame make
      500kkk fleet in a 3 month time:)
      only buying accounts selling them to scraper and exchanging for deuterium
      thats all
      that must be stoped at source .
      game operators game administratos dont do thing about it ...
      its only normal trade for them


      player 1
      buys account of player 2
      changing ip vpn proxy - u know what i mean

      player 2 exchange his fleat for resources - by scraper - i dont know your name for this shit;)
      but u pay dm for scrap smth
      and all go for deu
      deu go to player1
      for 2;1;1 - always 1;1 for crystal - couse its better
      player 1 exchanges and the account grow :) no ban no nothing;)

      simple solution
      1, CONSTANT exchange rate thats all:)

      couse normal players will stop playig in this conditions . simple as that

      and u do nothing with it

      The post was edited 6 times, last by pl1 ().

    • trade is one thing but GF punishes you(team) to interpret that during the trade. - here is no way to make a push,all you have to do is treat the regulations properly and understand that the weaker account can not support the stronger account by resource , which comes from the liquidation of the fleet / defense for the DM. Change only this and make the bans honestly
      whatever , @ciap you are the master of avoiding answer and responsibility. Your passivity in watching it ,should be able to cross you out of the team members. Orgin u must do anything and makes the game fair play again

      The post was edited 4 times, last by ale cios Poland ().

    • @ciapkapusta: you better be silent ,couse you dont have any idea what you're writinng about ,or mayby you know it very well - couse u do the same thing on your serwer:)
      at the beginig i apologize for my english its not good
      i support the idea of pl1
      This idea will eliminate extreme pushes that are currently plague on the Polish uni.
      i dont know somewhere else this practice is ON GOING but i write about our community .
      our game operators do nothing with it. we dont understand why.

      all thanks to the minimal conversion rate. (2;1;1)

      player majs and player silent and many other players on polish ogame does not play anything
      comes off from holiday for 4 hours and trade with your multi-accounts buying dex at the minimum rate 2;1;1 mainly for crystal
      next they trade this dex via trader for 3;2;1
      and the resources that got the auxiliary(helper) accounts
      it is further transformed into deuterium
      and so the carousel flies.
      in this way they gain 2342342 profit. doing nothing only exchanging with their multiaccounts :)
      they obtain via this proces ,unimaginable increases of fleet , and points.
      it has to end , becouse it probably not what game creators want.
      and I do not think that's what it's about

      the main problem is

      buying other fleet accounts
      and turning this fleet into a scrap dealer for deuterium
      and trading for (2;1;1) with the main account .

      for our game operators it is not at all strange that the players who played this game X time suddenly they decide

      to change their's fleet into deuterium and send to one player:D.
      its not strange at all:) - sure.

      this practice must end because of the players who play this game honestly and by the rules they quit couse playing in a game
      where are no rules is nonsense .
      i ignore the fact that this practice breaks your own rules (like push rule which tells you that if the account above benefits from the account below )
      or other ones.

      constant conversion rate will eliminate many pathologies that roll this game
      and it will only foster a more honest gameplay.

      please take it for consider

      po polsku
      @ciapkapusta lepiej zamilcz , bo nie masz pojecia o czym mowisz - a moze dobrze wiesz o czym
      mowisz bo sama z takiego procederu korzystasz bedac GO - co wogole jest patola .
      przeprasza za moj angieslki - nie jest on najlepszy

      popieram pomysl gracza pl1
      ten pomysl wyeliminuje pusze ekstrymalne ktore sa obecnie plaga na polskim uni
      - niewiem czy gdzie indziej ten proceder jest uskuteczniany ale pisze o naszej spolecznosci
      Nasi operatorzy gry nie robia z tym kompletnie nic. nie rozumiemy kompletnie dlaczego tak jest.

      wszystko dzieki minimalnemu przelicznikowi
      gracza majs i gracz silent oraz wielu innych graczy na polskim ogame nic nie graja
      schodza z urlopu na 4 h i handluja ze swoimi multikontami kupujac dex po minimalnmym przeliczniku
      2;1;1 a napstenie wymieniajac ten dex handlarzem za metal badz krysztal
      glownie za krysztal , a surowiec ktory dostaly konta (pomocnicze) dalej jest mielony na deuter.
      zyskuja w ten sposob 234234 surowca nie robiac nic tylko wymieniajac sie ze swoimi multikontami
      uzyskuja przez ten proceder przyrosty nieosiagalne dla normlanego gracza.
      to musi sie skonczyc , bo chyba nie o to chodzi .
      2.glowny problem to:
      kupowanie innych kont flotowych
      samo posiadanie multikont i handlowanie z nimi nie daje im takiego zysku
      jak kupowanie innych kont flotowych
      i zamienianie tej floty handlarzem zlomu na deuter
      i handlowanie z glownym kontem w ten sposob zdobytym deuterem
      dla naszych operatorw gry widocznie wcale nie jest dziwne ze gracze ktorzy grali w ta gre
      X czasu nagle postanawiaja , przetopic swoja flote i wyslac do jednego gracza:)
      no pewnie nie ma w tym nic dziwnego:) - sure:)
      to musi sie skonczyc bo przez to gracze ktorzy graja w ta gre uczciwie i zgodnie z zasadami
      odejda bo granie w gre gdzie nie ma zadnych zasad jest nonsensem .
      pomijam fakt ze ten proceder lamie to zasade puszu , ktora mowi ze pusz jest wtedy gdy konto wyzej otrzymuje korzysci wzgledem konta nizej
      oraz wiele innych zasad.
      staly przelinicz handlowy wyeliminuje wiele patologi oraz przysluzy sie tylko uczciwszej rozgrywce.
      prosze wziasc to pod rozwage.


      The post was edited 2 times, last by whisky ().

    • first step I think should be to talk with your coma, because it is not Origin that decide rule of Polish.

      Then if you want to propose to change some rule, maybe could be a good idea, but the main problem actually is that you tell A,B,C are multyaccounts of X .......... Gameforge tell instead that A,B,C are normal players (otherwise they were banned for multyaccount, because multyaccount is already forbidden).