The Gold Day Event

    • General

    • The Gold Day Event

      Hello and welcome!

      Today I saw an oddity upon the auctioner where there was 5 bronze items (the same ones too) in a row and quickly jumped to the idea of, WHAT IF... what if we could get gold items in a row?

      So, my idea is simple, what if:

      We get ONE day a Month an event that grants only gold items across the whole day, within the auctions?

      We get THREE days a month... that grants only silver items? (Lets be real, bronze in big uni's are somewhat useless; 30min off research when 8weeks are cooking)

      ---- Right, so the arguments might be that big bois will only get in on this and partially I agree. But on the other side of things I've seen gold items go for 2/3k res as nobody (except one or two) people were on at that point. So it really depends on luck and who is on. Perhaps this might get interesting as the big bois start bidding against each other and we might begin to see pretty epic numbers going up.

      --- Might give some people a reason to stay online more (might be good for business)

      -- Would make ogame look more productive with even more events happening left n' right :thumbup:

      - This could be used in events like Easter, Halloween, Christmas too :thumbsup:

      Hopefully you like the idea!