Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    • Combat System

    • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

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      Bug description
      • On which action did the bug appear: attack
      • How does the bug show itself:
      • Screenshot to show the problem better (only if needed and please only upload the needed sections, not your whole desktop)
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      General data for the bughunt
      • Internetbrowser with versionnumber: N/A
      • Does the bug also appear in other Browsers?: N/A
      • When using mobile / tablet - which operating system do you use: N/A
      • Internetserviceprovider and connectiontype (LAN/WLAN/Mobile-Data): N/A
      • OGame Version in which the bug appeared: 6.8.4 (6.8.4-pl1?)
      • If this action created an API-ID, please share it: cr-pl-117-d413870122328cd6e81cba6e79dabcaeddf874e9


      As I know it is possible to destroy Deathstar by Cruiser when Weapon is at least 1% of Shield.
      In this CR it is exactly 1% and it is draw but should be winning by attacker.


      Can anyone explain, is it bug?…9dabcaeddf874e9&engOut=on
    • to me, this is a nonstarter, as the losses taken by the cruisers in the battle, would make it cost prohibitive... why not just send BS or ^, like EVERYBODY else does ?

      Look for me on #Knuck channel in IRC.

      <+umakhelwane>Sarsa is the reason he talks like that anyway.blame's always Sarsa
      <@Florence>I like that reasoning
      <+Sarsaparilla>EVERYTHING is my fault
    • So, I had this same question as chemikos.
      When Cruisers and RIPs are in configuration 25lvl weapons technology vs 18 lvl Shielding Technology, Cruiser's dmg, as chemikos say, is exactly 1% of RIPs shield.

      When you simulate combat between 5000 cruisers and 1 RIP with this tech in e.g. TrashSim, OSimulate v6.0 or Speedsim all of them says, that cruisers will win.

      Even OGame Wiki says:

      The Bouncing Effect refers to an exception in combat where an individual unit's attack is less than 1% of the shield power of a given defender.

      'Less than 1%' means that when dmg is 1% or more defender should receive damage.

      But when we play, every battle ends as a draw (like in chemikos cr).

      So the question is - where is bug?
      Did person that write game code forgot about '=' sign and instead '>=' conditon is only like '>' or all the combat simulators and OGame Wiki are wrong and need to be fixed?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Hal Niak ().

    • Panda Rosso wrote:

      There is no bug.
      OWiki is written by players, noone of it is official, same as every tools. Everyone think that the wiki were right, now we all found that it is not, it as to be >1%, and that's all.
      No bug nor error in code. Just the brutal truth: People maybe be wrong!
      Agree, people maybe wrong, but official information (not OWiki) on polish board say, that in this case Cruisers should be able to destroy Deathstar.
    • chemikos wrote:

      Trashsim shows winning in 4-5 rounds.

      Well TrashSim is based on the online sources I could find.
      So it's possible that someone who wrote it down for the first time made the mistake of excluding the "1" in the bounce effect.
      I'll also try to confirm it aswell, but it seems that that's the way it works ingame so we'll need to adjust the docs & I'll fix it in TrashSim.

      I don't think anyone @ogame changed it lately :P
    • I would suggest to test a different scenario ingame first: 1.000 recycler (base attack 1) vs. 1 colony ship (base shield 100) with same techs and +/- 1. I suspect a rounding issue, since there are some expedition findings with odd resource numbers, too. Maybe this is due to the fact that OGame uses floating-point arithmetics.

    • We have tested the scenario I suggested and are convinced now, that also if attack = 1.0 % of shield power, the shot will bounce off:

      To address the question asked here:

      The outcome of a combat does not depend on the ship classes or tech levels, but only the resulting values for attack and shield. So, cruisers can destroy death stars, but only under certain conditions:

      C Source Code

      1. DS level S | 1 % Shield | CR level W | Attack | Result
      2. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      3. 6 | 800 | 10 | 800 | Draw
      4. 6 | 800 | 11 | 840 | Win
      5. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      6. 7 | 850 | 12 | 880 | Win
      7. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      8. 8 | 900 | 13 | 920 | Win
      9. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      10. 9 | 950 | 14 | 960 | Win
      11. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      12. 10 | 1.000 | 15 | 1.000 | Draw
      13. 10 | 1.000 | 16 | 1.040 | Win
      14. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      15. 11 | 1.050 | 17 | 1.080 | Win
      16. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      17. 12 | 1.100 | 18 | 1.120 | Win
      18. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      19. 13 | 1.150 | 19 | 1.160 | Win
      20. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      21. 14 | 1.200 | 20 | 1.200 | Draw
      22. 14 | 1.200 | 21 | 1.240 | Win
      23. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      24. 15 | 1.250 | 22 | 1.280 | Win
      25. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      26. 16 | 1.300 | 23 | 1.320 | Win
      27. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      28. 17 | 1.350 | 24 | 1.360 | Win
      29. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      30. 18 | 1.400 | 25 | 1.400 | Draw
      31. 18 | 1.400 | 26 | 1.440 | Win
      32. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      33. 19 | 1.450 | 27 | 1.480 | Win
      34. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      35. 20 | 1.500 | 28 | 1.520 | Win
      36. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      37. 21 | 1.550 | 29 | 1.560 | Win
      38. ------------+------------+-------------+---------+---------------
      39. 22 | 1.600 | 30 | 1.600 | Draw
      40. 22 | 1.600 | 31 | 1.640 | Win
      Display All

      We found a couple of other issues as well, e.g. if attack = x.0% of shield, the shield will absorb y % more damage than its capacity. This is independed of "attack gets rounded down to full % of shield power."

      Some examples (we currently test other combinations):

      C Source Code

      1. Attack % | Absorbed
      2. ----------+-----------
      3. 1 | all shots
      4. ----------+-----------
      5. 2 | 102 %
      6. ----------+-----------
      7. 4, 5, |
      8. 10, 20 | 101 %
      9. 40 |
      10. ----------+-----------
      11. 3, 25, |
      12. 30, 50, | 100 %
      13. 100 |
      Display All

      You can find the whole story in this thread in the .DE board: Ein kritischer Blick auf das Kampfsystem: Wie funktioniert die 1 % Regel wirklich?
      The thread is in German of course, but you can find all the CRs there. If you have questions, I will answer them here.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by kfg ().