Galaxy view in vacation mode

    • Usability

    • Galaxy view in vacation mode

      Galaxy view should be enabled in VM mode.

      I know that many players are against it but i ll try to simplify the explanation.

      VM players dont have any income from the economy. This is a very big handicap. Everything stops.. buildings, research... everything...

      But in the meantime 7 x economy speed is normal in almost every new universe. Take a calculator and check how many hits a vm player has to make to get just a part of this 7 x economy speed.

      This game is unplayable for gamers who dont have the possibilty to be online every day.

      This is a wargame. War includes many different tactics. Guerrilla warfare, fabian tactics are some of the most important in history.

      But with the deactivating of the galaxy view in VM you killed the scout. This is not a update, this is simply making the life of some gamers easier.

      Instead of finding a way to destroy a VM player (perhaps you know what a ninja is) those "i dont like surprises players" just complain.

      Ogame community is getting smaller every day and if you continue to favorize just one kind of player the community will shrink even faster.

    • damir80m wrote:

      this is simply making the life of some gamers easier
      Why should GF make the game of some gamers easier?

      V-mode is thinked for who can't play in some days (or don't want to use a pc, for example in a vacation), not to allow a strategic play-style. This suggestion is only good to do an attack and then go back in v-mode in a easier/safer way. Worst then ever if you have friends that can spy for you, so you mustn't break the v-mode.

      Absolutely NO!
    • It is making the life easier for regular players....

      Good players dont have any problem with VM players.

      VM is a part of the game. Why shouldnt someone use a feature of the game as a tactic ?

      Why dont regular players use VM ?.... Oh yeah, they dont have any income of the economy while in VM.

      Perhaps this suggestion would Gamaforge prefer more.

      While in VM you can check one system for 10 dark matter :D

      I would use it. I am hardcore VM player who uses dark matter.I cant remember my last fleetsave.

      Withount any economy just very high nanits so that i spend less dark matter for instant building fleets after i destroyed a player who is almost never going to VM.

      So i am everything some players hate (ingame). Ogame needs something like this :D
    • damir80m wrote:

      But with the deactivating of the galaxy view in VM you killed the scout. This is not a update, this is simply making the life of some gamers easier.

      Instead of finding a way to destroy a VM player (perhaps you know what a ninja is) those "i dont like surprises players" just complain.

      Ogame community is getting smaller every day and if you continue to favorize just one kind of player the community will shrink even faster.
      Your request is not an improve of game, but only an improve of your game so there is not motive to accept.

      You want to play? Then play out vm.

      One of motive to ask this change is to help friends and ally to monitore other players continuing to stay in vm .......... but in this way you don't improve economy of universe, but only economy of your friend/ally .......... for me sound at limit to be incorrect.

      And i'm sure at 99,9% that comunity is becoming smaller not because it cannot use galaxy in vm, but maybe more possible because there are players as you that continue to exist/enter in vm

    • Galaxy view should be enabled in VM so that i can monitor the fleetsaves of players who cant handle unexpected situations so that i can destoy them and not to help friendly acccounts.

      Very simple.

      10 dark matter for checking one solar system while in VM is a very good offer, for gameforge and for VM DM players :thumbsup:

      And i hope that Gameforge will implent it. :D
    • Did i really read what i read?

      damir80m wrote:

      Galaxy view should be enabled in VM so that i can monitor the fleetsaves of players who cant handle unexpected situations so that i can destoy them and not to help friendly acccounts
      What you wrote....

      TGWo wrote:

      And i'm sure at 99,9% that comunity is becoming smaller not because it cannot use galaxy in vm, but maybe more possible because there are players as you that continue to exist/enter in vm answer.

      This is insane, really....DM or not.