Scrap Merchant 90% event

    • General

    • An event per month will be too much, cause people will not buy DM.
      An event per year will be useless cause noone will use it, especially because it is used for mistakes or for an incoming attack.

      For the second reason i really don't like the idea of scrap merchant totally, but it exist then no.....don't give us an event like that.

      Maybe, give an event that reduce the DM cost to modify the %. Then yes. But pay or nothing (nothing is better for the players imho).
    • Panda Rosso wrote:

      An event per year will be useless cause noone will use it, especially because it is used for mistakes or for an incoming attack.
      this is not true at 100% ............ if a player decide to change way to play (he is a miner and decide to play as crasher or viceversa, or decide to stop to use ships fast instead of rip, or viceversa), he could be interested in delete ships not more need/used.

      So an utility 1 time a year could have.

      True at same time that not rarelly i read players talking about complaining of pushing where account X delete ships and then resorces is farmed by account Y .......... and of course in this situation will be not positive to add that kind of event

    • Hello.

      I believe this event could make sense, if it made the limit of scrap merchant (currently at 75%) go up to 90% (or even 100%, but I'm not sure about this one) by paying more DM...

      Currently, I believe we must spend 20k DM to reach the merchant limit of 75% (2k + 4k + 6k + 8k)...

      Adding 2 more purchases needed to reach the 90% limit during the event would then cost 42k DM (2k + 4k + 6k + 8k + 10k +12k)...

      This way, I see this being a good event... Making it free, I don't see them doing it, because then no one (or almost no one :P ) would use the DM way...

      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR