Pinned Database : Translation

    • Database : Translation

      There is one database with translations for page title, detail names and other words or phrases used in the templates: Translation:Translation/TLD

      How it works:
      • EN is the default language and will be used if there is no national translation.
      • For AR and MX is ES the default language, for BR it is PT. EN is the default language for missing ES or PT translations.
      • For those languages/communities (AR MX BR ORG US) you need only to copy and change the differences.

      How to edit:

      Important Notes:
      • Note: If you change the translation, you don't see the changes immediately, because the translations are cached in the page. You have to purge or edit the pages to see it. To purge the page from the cache add "&action=purge" to the url. The page will be rebuild with the new translations in the database.

      • Please DONT touch red marked content ! Only translate the words behind the =

        <settranslation lang="en">
        ###### Page titles

        ###### Wiki - General page title

        Sidebar-Wiki=OGame Wiki
        Sidebar-Main Page=Main Page
        Wiki:Main Page=Main Page



      Source Code

      1. <settranslation lang="en">
      2. ###############################
      3. ###############################
      4. ###############################
      5. ###### Page titles
      6. ###############################
      7. ###### Wiki - General page title
      8. Sidebar-Wiki=OGame Wiki
      9. Sidebar-Main Page=Main Page
      10. Wiki:Main Page=Welcome to the OGame Wiki
      11. Wiki:Welcome=Welcome
      12. ###############################
      13. ###### Tutorial page title
      14. Sidebar-Tutorial=Tutorials
      15. Category:Tutorial=Tutorials
      16. Tutorial:First steps=First steps
      17. Tutorial:Basic economy=Basic economy
      18. Tutorial:Buildings=Buildings
      19. Tutorial:Defense=Defense
      20. Tutorial:Research=Research
      21. Tutorial:Ships=Ships
      22. Tutorial:Saving=Saving
      23. Tutorial:Trade=Trade
      24. Tutorial:Espionage=Espionage
      25. Tutorial:Raids=Raids
      26. Tutorial:ACS=ACS
      27. Tutorial:Interplanetary Missiles=Interplanetary Missiles
      28. Tutorial:Expeditions=Expeditions
      29. Tutorial:Colonisation=Colonisation
      30. Tutorial:Moon=Moon
      31. Tutorial:Alliance and Community=Alliance & Community
      32. Tutorial:Premium features=Premium features
      33. Tutorial:Account settings=Account settings
      34. Tutorial:Rules and Problems=Rules & Problems
      35. Tutorial:Fan projects=Fan projects
      36. ###############################
      37. ###### Guide page title
      38. Sidebar-Guide=Guides
      39. Category:Guide=Guides
      40. Guide:Universe guide=Universe guide
      41. Guide:Player styles guide=Player styles guide
      42. Guide:Miner guide=Miner guide
      43. Guide:Turtle guide=Turtle guide
      44. Guide:Raider guide=Raider guide
      45. Guide:Fleeter guide=Fleeter guide
      46. Guide:Fleetsaving Guide=Fleetsaving Guide
      47. Guide:Trading guide=Trading guide
      48. Guide:Activity guide=Activity guide
      49. Guide:ACS guide=ACS guide
      50. Guide:IPM guide=IPM guide
      51. Guide:Expedition guide=Expedition guide
      52. Guide:Colonising guide=Colonising guide
      53. Guide:Relocation guide=Relocation guide
      54. Guide:Moon guide=Moon guide
      55. Guide:Alliance guide=Alliance guide
      56. Guide:Dark Matter and Payment=Dark Matter and Payment
      57. Guide:Account management=Account management
      58. ###############################
      59. ###### Tactic page title
      60. Sidebar-Tactic=Tactics
      61. Category:Tactic=Tactics
      62. Tactic:Start-up tactics=Start-up tactics
      63. Tactic:Energy production=Energy production
      64. Tactic:Defense composition=Defense composition
      65. Tactic:Defense fire power analysis=Defense fire power analysis
      66. Tactic:Graviton tactics=Graviton tactics
      67. Tactic:Fleet composition=Fleet composition
      68. Tactic:Fleet fire power analysis=Fleet fire power analysis
      69. Tactic:Rapidfire guide=Rapidfire guide
      70. Tactic:Firing orders guide=Firing orders guide
      71. Tactic:Merchant guide=Merchant guide
      72. Tactic:Merchant tactic=Merchant tactic
      73. Tactic:Ninja guide=Ninja guide
      74. Tactic:Ninja evasion guide=Ninja evasion guide
      75. Tactic:Slowdown by ACS=Slowdown by ACS
      76. Tactic:Perfect colony tactic=Perfect colony tactic
      77. Tactic:Mobile colonies guide=Mobile colonies guide
      78. Tactic:Moonshots and pushing=Moonshots and pushing
      79. Tactic:Blind phalanx guide=Blind phalanx guide
      80. Tactic:Moon destruction guide=Moon destruction guide
      81. Tactic:Alliance page guide=Alliance page guide
      82. Tactic:War guide=War guide
      83. ###############################
      84. ###### Info & News page title
      85. Sidebar-Info=Info & News
      86. Category:Info=Infos
      87. Info:Game details=Game details
      88. Info:Game changes=Game changes
      89. Info:Troubleshooting=Troubleshooting
      90. Info:Bugs and Workarounds=Bugs and Workarounds
      91. Info:Ticket system guide=Ticket system guide
      92. Info:IRC guide=IRC guide
      93. Info:Formulary=Formulary
      94. Info:Ogame dictionary=Ogame dictionary
      95. Info:Universes and Player=Universes and Player
      96. ###############################
      97. ###### Fan projects page title
      98. Sidebar-Projects=Fan projects
      99. ###############################
      100. ###### Wiki - Buildings page title
      101. Category:Buildings=Buildings
      102. Wiki:Buildings=Buildings
      103. Wiki:Metal Mine=Metal Mine
      104. Wiki:Crystal Mine=Crystal Mine
      105. Wiki:Deuterium Synthesizer=Deuterium Synthesizer
      106. Wiki:Solar Plant=Solar Plant
      107. Wiki:Fusion Reactor=Fusion Reactor
      108. Wiki:Metal Storage=Metal Storage
      109. Wiki:Crystal Storage=Crystal Storage
      110. Wiki:Deuterium Tank=Deuterium Tank
      111. Wiki:Robotics Factory=Robotics Factory
      112. Wiki:Shipyard=Shipyard
      113. Wiki:Research Lab=Research Lab
      114. Wiki:Alliance Depot=Alliance Depot
      115. Wiki:Missile Silo=Missile Silo
      116. Wiki:Nanite Factory=Nanite Factory
      117. Wiki:Terraformer=Terraformer
      118. Wiki:Lunar Base=Lunar Base
      119. Wiki:Sensor Phalanx=Sensor Phalanx
      120. Wiki:Jump Gate=Jump Gate
      121. ###############################
      122. ###### Wiki - Research page title
      123. Category:Research=Research
      124. Wiki:Research=Research
      125. Wiki:Energy Technology=Energy Technology
      126. Wiki:Laser Technology=Laser Technology
      127. Wiki:Ion Technology=Ion Technology
      128. Wiki:Hyperspace Technology=Hyperspace Technology
      129. Wiki:Plasma Technology=Plasma Technology
      130. Wiki:Combustion Drive=Combustion Drive
      131. Wiki:Impulse Drive=Impulse Drive
      132. Wiki:Hyperspace Drive=Hyperspace Drive
      133. Wiki:Espionage Technology=Espionage Technology
      134. Wiki:Computer Technology=Computer Technology
      135. Wiki:Astrophysics=Astrophysics
      136. Wiki:Intergalactic Research Network=Intergalactic Research Network
      137. Wiki:Graviton Technology=Graviton Technology
      138. Wiki:Armour Technology=Armour Technology
      139. Wiki:Weapons Technology=Weapons Technology
      140. Wiki:Shielding Technology=Shielding Technology
      141. ###############################
      142. ###### Wiki - Ships page title
      143. Category:Ships=Ships
      144. Wiki:Ships=Ships
      145. Wiki:Light Fighter=Light Fighter
      146. Wiki:Heavy Fighter=Heavy Fighter
      147. Wiki:Cruiser=Cruiser
      148. Wiki:Battleship=Battleship
      149. Wiki:Battlecruiser=Battlecruiser
      150. Wiki:Bomber=Bomber
      151. Wiki:Destroyer=Destroyer
      152. Wiki:Deathstar=Deathstar
      153. Wiki:Small Cargo Ship=Small Cargo Ship
      154. Wiki:Large Cargo Ship=Large Cargo Ship
      155. Wiki:Colony Ship=Colony Ship
      156. Wiki:Recycler=Recycler
      157. Wiki:Espionage Probe=Espionage Probe
      158. Wiki:Solar Satellite=Solar Satellite
      159. ###############################
      160. ###### Wiki - Defense page title
      161. Category:Defense=Defense
      162. Wiki:Defense=Defense
      163. Wiki:Rocketlauncher=Rocketlauncher
      164. Wiki:Light Laser=Light Laser
      165. Wiki:Heavy Laser=Heavy Laser
      166. Wiki:Ion Cannon=Ion Cannon
      167. Wiki:Gauss Cannon=Gauss Cannon
      168. Wiki:Plasma Turret=Plasma Turret
      169. Wiki:Small Shield Dome=Small Shield Dome
      170. Wiki:Large Shield Dome=Large Shield Dome
      171. Wiki:Anti-Ballistic Missile=Anti-Ballistic Missile
      172. Wiki:Interplanetary Missile=Interplanetary Missile
      173. ###############################
      174. ###### Wiki - Premium features page title
      175. Category:Premium features=Premium features
      176. Wiki:Premium features=Premium features
      177. Wiki:Dark Matter=Dark matter
      178. Wiki:Commander=Commander
      179. Wiki:Admiral=Admiral
      180. Wiki:Technocrat=Technocrat
      181. Wiki:Geologist=Geologist
      182. Wiki:Engineer=Engineer
      183. ###############################
      184. ###### Wiki - Account page title
      185. Category:Account=Account
      186. Wiki:Account=Account
      187. ###############################
      188. ###### Wiki - Alliance page title
      189. Category:Alliance=Alliance
      190. Wiki:Alliance=Alliance
      191. ###############################
      192. ###### Wiki - Formulas page title
      193. Category:Formulas=Formulas
      194. Wiki:Formulas=Formulas
      195. ###############################
      196. ###############################
      197. ###############################
      198. ###### Names, labels and descriptions
      199. ###############################
      200. ###### Page title
      201. Page-Title-AlsoKnownAs=aka.
      202. Page-Title-Abbreviation=abbr.
      203. ###############################
      204. ###### Page languages
      205. Page-Languages-Title=This site is available in the following languages:
      206. ###############################
      207. ###### Page Navigation bars
      208. Page-Navigation-Tutorials-Title=Tutorials for OGame
      209. Page-Navigation-Guides-Title=Guides for OGame
      210. Page-Navigation-Ships-Title=Ships in OGame
      211. Page-Navigation-Ships-Combat=Combat
      212. Page-Navigation-Ships-Civil=Civil
      213. Page-Navigation-Defense-Title=Defense in OGame
      214. Page-Navigation-Defense-Cannons=Cannons
      215. Page-Navigation-Defense-Shield Domes=Shield Domes
      216. Page-Navigation-Defense-Missiles=Missiles
      217. Page-Navigation-Buildings-Title=Buildings in Ogame
      218. Page-Navigation-Buildings-Production=Production
      219. Page-Navigation-Buildings-Storage=Storage
      220. Page-Navigation-Buildings-Facilities=Facilities
      221. Page-Navigation-Buildings-Moon=Moon Buldings
      222. Page-Navigation-Research-Title=Researches in Ogame
      223. Page-Navigation-Research-Basic=Basic researches
      224. Page-Navigation-Research-Drive=Drive researches
      225. Page-Navigation-Research-Advanced=Advanced researches
      226. Page-Navigation-Research-Combat=Combat researches
      227. ###############################
      228. ###### Link label
      229. Link-Game-Label=Game
      230. Link-Board-Label=Board
      231. Link-Board-topic-Label=Board topic
      232. Link-Support-Label=Support
      233. Link-IRC-Label=Chat
      234. Link-MMOGAME-Label=MMOGAME
      235. Link-ServerCheck-Label=ServerCheck
      236. ###############################
      237. ###### Team label
      238. Team-Leadership-Label=Leadership:
      239. Team-Wiki-Label=Wiki Team:
      240. Team-FAQ-Label=FAQ Team:
      241. Team-Loca-Label=Loca Team:
      242. Team-FanArt-Label=FanArt Team:
      243. Team-Bugs-Label=Bugs Team:
      244. Team-Representative-Label=Representative:
      245. Team-Team-Label=Origin-Team:
      246. Team-Helper-Label=Helper:
      247. ###############################
      248. ###### Infoboxes
      249. Infobox-Example-Title=For example:
      250. Infobox-Formula-Title=Formula:
      251. Infobox-Reward-Title=Tutorial Reward:
      252. Infobox-Notice-Title=Notice
      253. ###############################
      254. ###### Overviews
      255. Overview-PlanetParameter_Position=Position
      256. Overview-PlanetParameter_Temperature=Planet temperature
      257. Overview-PlanetParameter_SatEnergy=Satellite energy
      258. Overview-PlanetParameter_DeutSynth10=Deut. level 10
      259. Overview-PlanetParameter_DeutSynth30=Deut. level 30
      260. Overview-PlanetParameter_Fields=Fields
      261. Overview-PlanetParameter_Minimum=minimum
      262. Overview-PlanetParameter_Average=ø
      263. Overview-PlanetParameter_Maximum=maximum
      264. Overview-Rapidfire=Rapidfire
      265. Overview-Rapidfire-From=From
      266. Overview-Rapidfire-Against=Against
      267. ###############################
      268. ###### Detail names Requirements
      269. Detail-Requirements=Requirements
      270. Detail-Costs=Costs
      271. Detail-Technical data=Technical data
      272. Detail-Name=Name
      273. Detail-Type=Type
      274. Detail-Metal=Metal
      275. Detail-Crystal=Crystal
      276. Detail-Deuterium=Deuterium
      277. Detail-Hull=Hull
      278. Detail-Shield=Shield
      279. Detail-Weapon=Weapon
      280. Detail-Speed=Speed
      281. Detail-Fuel Consumption=Fuel Consumption
      282. Detail-Cargo Capacity=Cargo Capacity
      283. Detail-Expeditions Points=Expeditions points
      284. ###############################
      285. ###### Detail names Buildings
      286. Detail-Building=Building
      287. Detail-Metal Mine=Metal Mine
      288. Detail-Crystal Mine=Crystal Mine
      289. Detail-Deuterium Synthesizer=Deuterium Synthesizer
      290. Detail-Solar Plant=Solar Plant
      291. Detail-Fusion Reactor=Fusion Reactor
      292. Detail-Metal Storage=Metal Storage
      293. Detail-Crystal Storage=Crystal Storage
      294. Detail-Deuterium Tank=Deuterium Tank
      295. Detail-Robotics Factory=Robotics Factory
      296. Detail-Shipyard=Shipyard
      297. Detail-Research Lab=Research Lab
      298. Detail-Alliance Depot=Alliance Depot
      299. Detail-Missile Silo=Missile Silo
      300. Detail-Nanite Factory=Nanite Factory
      301. Detail-Terraformer=Terraformer
      302. Detail-Lunar Base=Lunar Base
      303. Detail-Sensor Phalanx=Sensor Phalanx
      304. Detail-Jump Gate=Jump Gate
      305. ###############################
      306. ###### Detail names Research
      307. Detail-Research=Research
      308. Detail-Energy Technology=Energy Technology
      309. Detail-Laser Technology=Laser Technology
      310. Detail-Ion Technology=Ion Technology
      311. Detail-Hyperspace Technology=Hyperspace Technology
      312. Detail-Plasma Technology=Plasma Technology
      313. Detail-Combustion Drive=Combustion Drive
      314. Detail-Impulse Drive=Impulse Drive
      315. Detail-Hyperspace Drive=Hyperspace Drive
      316. Detail-Espionage Technology=Espionage Technology
      317. Detail-Computer Technology=Computer Technology
      318. Detail-Astrophysics=Astrophysics
      319. Detail-Intergalactic Research Network=Intergalactic Research Network
      320. Detail-Graviton Technology=Graviton Technology
      321. Detail-Armour Technology=Armour Technology
      322. Detail-Weapons Technology=Weapons Technology
      323. Detail-Shielding Technology=Shielding Technology
      324. ###############################
      325. ###### Detail names Ships
      326. Detail-Ship=Ship
      327. Detail-Light Fighter=Light Fighter
      328. Detail-Heavy Fighter=Heavy Fighter
      329. Detail-Cruiser=Cruiser
      330. Detail-Battleship=Battleship
      331. Detail-Battlecruiser=Battlecruiser
      332. Detail-Bomber=Bomber
      333. Detail-Destroyer=Destroyer
      334. Detail-Deathstar=Deathstar
      335. Detail-Small Cargo Ship=Small Cargo Ship
      336. Detail-Large Cargo Ship=Large Cargo Ship
      337. Detail-Colony Ship=Colony Ship
      338. Detail-Recycler=Recycler
      339. Detail-Espionage Probe=Espionage Probe
      340. Detail-Solar Satellite=Solar Satellite
      341. ###############################
      342. ###### Detail names Defense
      343. Detail-Defense=Defense
      344. Detail-Rocketlauncher=Rocketlauncher
      345. Detail-Light Laser=Light Laser
      346. Detail-Heavy Laser=Heavy Laser
      347. Detail-Ion Cannon=Ion Cannon
      348. Detail-Gauss Cannon=Gauss Cannon
      349. Detail-Plasma Turret=Plasma Turret
      350. Detail-Small Shield Dome=Small Shield Dome
      351. Detail-Large Shield Dome=Large Shield Dome
      352. Detail-Anti-Ballistic Missile=Anti-Ballistic Missile
      353. Detail-Interplanetary Missile=Interplanetary Missile
      354. ###############################
      355. ###### Detail names Premium features
      356. Detail-Premium feature=Premium feature
      357. Detail-Dark Matter=Dark matter
      358. Detail-Commander=Commander
      359. Detail-Admiral=Admiral
      360. Detail-Technocrat=Technocrat
      361. Detail-Geologist=Geologist
      362. Detail-Engineer=Engineer
      363. ###############################
      364. ###############################
      365. ###############################
      366. ###### Screenshot titles
      367. ###############################
      368. ###### Screenshot titles tutorials
      369. Screen-First_steps_01=Overview
      370. Screen-First_steps_02=Resources
      371. Screen-First_steps_03=Main menu
      372. Screen-First_steps_04=New messages
      373. Screen-First_steps_05=Planet overview
      374. Screen-First_steps_06=More links
      375. Screen-Basic_economy_01=Resource menu
      376. Screen-Basic_economy_02=Building a metal mine
      377. Screen-Basic_economy_03=Building under construction
      378. Screen-Basic_economy_04=Cancel expansion
      379. Screen-Basic_economy_05=Confirmation
      380. Screen-Basic_economy_06=Insufficient energy
      381. Screen-Basic_economy_07=Resource settings
      382. Screen-Basic_economy_08=Facility menu
      383. Screen-Basic_economy_09=Defense
      384. Screen-Basic_economy_10=Building a rocket launcher
      385. Screen-Basic_economy_11=Full Storage capacity
      386. Screen-Ships_01=Building a large cargo ship
      387. Screen-Ships_02=More details
      388. Screen-Saving_01=Attack warning
      389. Screen-Saving_02=Select ships
      390. Screen-Saving_03=Select coordinates
      391. Screen-Saving_04=Select mission
      392. Screen-Trade_01=Select transport target
      393. Screen-Trade_02=Trademenu without merchant
      394. Screen-Trade_03=Trademenu with metal merchant
      395. Screen-Trade_04=Trade
      396. Screen-Espionage_01=Setting number of probes
      397. Screen-Espionage_02=Sending probes via galaxy view
      398. Screen-Espionage_03=An espionage report
      399. Screen-Raids_01=Activity in galaxy menu
      400. Screen-Raids_02=Attack via galaxy menu
      401. Screen-Raids_03=Select ships
      402. Screen-Raids_04=Select speed
      403. Screen-Raids_05=Send ships
      404. Screen-Raids_06=Select recycler
      405. Screen-Raids_07=Select coordinates
      406. Screen-Raids_08=Select mission
      407. Screen-Raids_09=Fleet movement
      408. Screen-ACS_01=Open ACS
      409. Screen-ACS_02=Invite member
      410. Screen-ACS_03=Join ACS
      411. Screen-ACS_04=Show all ACS members
      412. Screen-ACS_05=Select ACS defend
      413. Screen-Interplanetary_Missiles_01=Missile silo with deconstruction option
      414. Screen-Interplanetary_Missiles_02=Building interplanetary missiles
      415. Screen-Interplanetary_Missiles_03=Choose a target
      416. Screen-Interplanetary_Missiles_04=Firing interplanetary missiles
      417. Screen-Expeditions_01=Select ships
      418. Screen-Expeditions_02=Select coordinates
      419. Screen-Expeditions_03=Select holding time
      420. Screen-Colonisation_01=Astrophysics
      421. Screen-Colonisation_02=Colony Ship
      422. Screen-Colonisation_03=Free position
      423. Screen-Colonisation_04=Colonising
      424. Screen-Colonisation_05=Colonisation message
      425. Screen-Colonisation_06=Colony overview
      426. Screen-Colonisation_07=Field variation
      427. Screen-Moon_01=Facility menu with jump gate
      428. Screen-Moon_02=Select phalanx target
      429. Screen-Moon_03=Phalanx report
      430. Screen-Moon_04=Using a jump gate
      431. Screen-Alliance_and_Community_01=Alliance overview
      432. Screen-Alliance_and_Community_02=Alliance management
      433. Screen-Alliance_and_Community_03=Alliance communication
      434. Screen-Alliance_and_Community_04=Alliance applications
      435. Screen-Alliance_and_Community_05=Buddy list
      436. Screen-Premium_features_01=Select a premium feature
      437. Screen-Account_settings_01=User data
      438. Screen-Account_settings_02=General
      439. Screen-Account_settings_03=Display
      440. Screen-Account_settings_04=Extended
      441. Screen-Rules_and_Problems_01=Ban notification
      442. Screen-Rules_and_Problems_02=List of suspensions for testuniverse
      443. Screen-Rules_and_Problems_03=The ticket system
      444. ###############################
      445. ###### Screenshot titles guides
      446. </settranslation>
      Display All