Link laser technology to research time
Short version: The formule to calculate the research time is now: (metal + crystal) / (universe speed * 1000 * (1+research lab level))
My proposal is: ((metal + crystal) / (universe speed * 1000 * (1+research lab level)))*0,95^level laser technology
Long version: Transferring information between planets is now radio based. While when it would be laser based you could send more data in the same time. It uses less power and so the efficiency is much higher. As you can read here.
The laser technology makes the communication via the intergalactical research network more efficient since that variable isn't defined yet in ogame. The level of the research lab decides how efficient researches are on a planet. The intergalactical research network decides how much planets planets are linked to eachother. And now the laser technology decides now how efficient the communication is between the planets via the intergalactical research network.
Since laser technology has a dead end at level 12 it would be a good candidate to use for this, since research times get very long late game.
My proposal is: ((metal + crystal) / (universe speed * 1000 * (1+research lab level)))*0,95^level laser technology
Long version: Transferring information between planets is now radio based. While when it would be laser based you could send more data in the same time. It uses less power and so the efficiency is much higher. As you can read here.
The laser technology makes the communication via the intergalactical research network more efficient since that variable isn't defined yet in ogame. The level of the research lab decides how efficient researches are on a planet. The intergalactical research network decides how much planets planets are linked to eachother. And now the laser technology decides now how efficient the communication is between the planets via the intergalactical research network.
Since laser technology has a dead end at level 12 it would be a good candidate to use for this, since research times get very long late game.
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