Graviton affects fuel usage

    • Research

    • Graviton affects fuel usage

      Since the idea of hyperspace technology affects the cargo capacity is accepted almost all properties of a ship are affectable with a research, only the fuel usage is left.

      An overview:
      Structural integrity --> armour tech
      Shield strength --> shield tech
      Attack strength --> weapon tech
      Speed --> combustion/impulse/hyper drive
      Cargo capacity --> hyperspace tech
      Fuel usage --> ???

      As miner I "hate" to say it but the fleeters deserve a research for this. I would say we can choose between laser tech and graviton tech, because these techs are left without further benefit. Since fuel costs are made by escaping a planets gravity influence I would say graviton tech is the best tech to use for this.

      Because we don't want that ships can fly without deuterium costs I think an exponential formula is needed here. A linear formula is impossible because when a player pays for example 10% per level less he could reach the 0% of fuel costs. I would say (but we can discuss about it):

      Fuel costs = 1 + round ((base cost x distance x 0,95 ^ graviton tech) / 35000 x (speed / 100 + 1)^2)

      The formula is based on this one:
      Distance is defined here:
      Speed is the percentage of flight time chosen by the player at the fleet screen.

      So basically what players see at the techinfo of a ship is: fuel usage (deuterium) = base cost x 0,95 ^ graviton tech --> number what players see.

      So at a large cargo where the base cost is 50 now, with a graviton tech of 1 it will be: 50 x 0,95 ^ 1 = 47,5. So players will see a base cost of 47,5 in the techinfo of a large cargo.

      I think we can discuss about that 0,95 in this idea.
    • I'm not sure at 100% that it is a good idea to have a research that decrease fuel usage, but probably yes

      but at same time i'm sure that for me it is a bad idea to add any effect at gravitation (so not only if we talk about deuterium, but also about any other kind of idea).

      How I had opportunity to tell other time, many many years ago research gravitation was important and vould also is a question of skill ........... with the actual possibility offer by MO, no .......... it is become a banal search for who use MO, and not particullarly hard for who have a lot of items. In other words my idea is that actually if you add effect at that research you will say "who use MO, will have in 3 days level 5-6 of gravitation", other people will continue with level 1 or 2.

    • TGWo wrote:

      I'm not sure at 100% that it is a good idea to have a research that decrease fuel usage, but probably yes

      but at same time i'm sure that for me it is a bad idea to add any effect at gravitation (so not only if we talk about deuterium, but also about any other kind of idea).

      How I had opportunity to tell other time, many many years ago research gravitation was important and vould also is a question of skill ........... with the actual possibility offer by MO, no .......... it is become a banal search for who use MO, and not particullarly hard for who have a lot of items. In other words my idea is that actually if you add effect at that research you will say "who use MO, will have in 3 days level 5-6 of gravitation", other people will continue with level 1 or 2.
      Like every research in the game. Who spend DM can have it faster.
      By the way if they change the energy needed maybe they can balance it a little about shop and no-shop players. What do you think?

      Ps: Anyway i don't like the idea to use that research in fuel cost. I'd prefer some other research, or a mix of them, but not gravi. My thoughts.
    • Remember the server move, that involved a fairly lengthy attack ban?


      I still had the planet I'd done my original Graviton research on, and decided to get in some terraforming and move it further out for deuterium farming, when I saved up the DM.
      Import/Export had left me with a lot of Detroids, but no Krakens, so I didn't have time to get Terraformers as high as I wanted, but while I was waiting for the last level, I saw I still had lots of res, so I boosted sat production and got the Graviton levels, because why not.
      By the time the attack ban was lifted, I had scrapped the sats, and moved the res somewhere else.

      A little planning, a little initiative, knowing that you can still send transport missions during attack bans, and Bob's yer uncle, yeah?