Lunar defense plat form.

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Lunar defense plat form.

      I know been suggested before said and done but just give it a chance or at least read it through

      Lunar defense platform
      Cost : 9,000,000 metal 6,000,000 Crystal 2,000,000 deuterium.
      S.I. 15,000,000
      Attack strength 50,000
      shields 1,200

      requirements : energy tech 10 , Laser tech: 14 ,Ion tech 12 :Plasma tech 10 : Shipyard 14 , Nanite 4 : space dock 4 . + moon
      and a new research for orbital defense. for every two levels of orbital defense 4 lunar defense units can be built.
      Also they can be targeted with IPM's after hit with an IPM the ipm report reads Lunar defense unit S.I.100% before now 75% and so on till destroyed . no chance of being repaired and will not create debrie except in defense into debrie and uni's with engineer they will have a 5 % repair instead of none .

      the Orbital defense research can start at 15,000 metal 25,000 crystal and 15,000 deut. and doubles with every level.
    • TGWo wrote:

      it give to me idea that become impossible moon crash. And that will be impossible to do a crash in gain (over moon) don't using rip
      Moon destruction's would still be possible. the defense would just have to be nuked away since moon destruction is a game tactic and feature an equal counter measure other than mass fleets should be possible as well.

      and since after x amount of researches they become to costly and only x amount will be at a moon. as well as only 4 can be built per every two levels of research.
      it also increases the need of forethought and planning for M.D. mission's in turn adding a new layer of strategy to the game.
    • stellar pegasus wrote:

      I like this too but i think its too strong.

      Needs to start out weaker, less S.I and damage, then gets stronger with upgrades/research.
      I was thinking about that too So I made the following change's

      Cost : 5,000,000 metal 5,000,000 Crystal 2,000,000 deuterium.
      S.I. 10,000,000
      Attack strength 20,000
      shields 500

      requirements : energy tech 10 , Laser tech: 14 ,Ion tech 12 :Plasma tech 10 : Shipyard 14 , Nanite 4 : space dock 4 . + moon
      and a new research for orbital defense. for every two levels of orbital defense. research 3 lunar defense units can be built.
      Also they can be targeted with IPM's after hit with an IPM the ipm report reads Lunar defense unit S.I.100% before now 75% and so on till destroyed . no chance of being repaired and will not create debrie except in defense into debrie and uni's with engineer they will have a 10 % repair instead of none .

      the Orbital defense research can start at 15,000 metal 25,000 crystal and 15,000 deut. and triple's with every level.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Blackmass ().

    • RiV- wrote:

      Whats the point of this?

      The idea is simple Rip's allow M.D.s this is an equal and balancing aspect research and defense that makes some techs applicable after a certain level.
      as well as giving players one more option to defend against MD missions to their moons. since rips can be used for that an equal deturant aside from P.T's should be viable for the game. as well. and with no structure rebuild unless a player has enginer then they get the 10% rebuild factor so it also sells more DM for GF
    • RiV- wrote:

      Blackamss wrote:

      The idea is simple Rip's allow M.D.s this is an equal and balancing aspect research and defense that makes some techs applicable after a certain level.
      How? What's the difference between nuking a regular defense on a moon and nuking this lunar defense platform?
      Well since they have such a hi S.I. compared to other defenses. it takes a few more nukes to bring one down that said also an obsolete anti md platform such as anti-ballistic missles are have no relevance in preventing an md. and the current defensive structures with fleet are common practice how ever if a player has a large defense que running on the moon and needs to tear down a ship yard to half complete a new lanx to bring a new target into range they have to wait for the build to finish or spend more on half complete. and this last aspect can be a double edge sword in that point.because then the player may not be able to half complete their lanx to hit the target. before it's moved else where. and the research cost can triple for each level as well to keep it in balance so a player can't spam a few k of these
    • You don't seem to get that the SI of a unit is calculated by the Metal and Crystal cost. So if this has 20x higher SI than another defense unit it also costs 20x more Metal and Crystal. The defense unit for which you get the most bang for your buck, i. e. the highest SI for the least resources spent, is the rocket launcher because it costs only Metal and absolutely no Deuterium which doesn't add any SI anyway. So in terms of Anti-MD building this lunar defense platform is a horrible idea, since it will just get nuked down like any other defense unit, but is actually easier to nuke down than an amount of RLs spent the equal amount of resources on.
    • TGWo wrote:

      I think it is really more hard to crash a defense with SI 15.000.000 , instead if have 15000 . So for me it is not true that nothing change ........... I didn't want to be in error (i play as miner), but i don't think 1 rip will be able to crash it
      I nerfed the cost some so the S.I. is actually 10kk so 3 or 4 rips with research bonuses would beat them down or one can just nuke them.