Bermuda top player

    • Bermuda top player

      Hello to all and a good day,

      My question is how did the #1 guy on bermuda @Mr. Dark manage to get his points. He has 2 000 milion points (yeah yeah that is not a real number but not realy good with numbers that high beacause US has different numbering sistem thatn my country so we call them differently and not shure about EU standard so ill just call it like this). Half of his points come from metal storadge lvl 30, and some more from metal mine lvl 51. So i did some sopy and calc and the rest of his economy can not support the ress neded to build that. Did some DM calc, when there is event to buy 100 mil ress, i aproximated it costs 5mil DM, and you would need 50 000 million DM to buy enough for just metal storadge lvl 30.

      So just out of curiosity, i would like to know how he managed to achieve that

      thank you for your time :D
    • The real answer is: Bermuda hosted some farm planets with insane resources during the alpha phase of V.6. These farms had no production themselves and were replenished only once. Some players simply got the most of it and built crazy things. Record holder was Superman with 26 mrd (or billion for USA) points.
