Oppressed by Staff of Ogame.it

    • Oppressed by Staff of Ogame.it

      Hi guys, I'm here to discuss a serious question.
      Staff of ogame.it hate me. The reason is that CoMa doesn't like me, so his admins give me warnings and ban without reason.

      I ask you to send someone to check the situation.

      When I ask them what I've done, they said I violated the rules, and when I ask them what rules I violated they answer me that, by rules, they can judge the matter at their own discretion.
      This cannot go any further, I have my rights and they don't give a f*ck. I already made tickets, but they are handled by the CoMa and his admins. So what can I do to have my rights guarded ?

      They are judge and jury, and they abuse of their power. I don't pretend you to believe my words, just send someone to check the situation and you'll see it by yourself !