6.8.3 update - Relocation - Unfair for those who dm from p3 to 15 - planet size suggestion

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    • 6.8.3 update - Relocation - Unfair for those who dm from p3 to 15 - planet size suggestion

      Hi there,

      Just saw this new update coming soon.

      While i can, in a way, understand it with the recent merge, the very few location available and such it seem quite unfair.

      For some time now many have done colo in p3 in order to move them (with am they have paid for) in p15. Allowing them a ~190-200size planet with ~-100°

      While it was certainly their choice to do so, they did it with quite some amount of cash and trust in the game how it is. Now this 6.8.3 update kick in and set quite a mess.

      Player who choose to take the "easy life" (p7-9 and ~250size colo) 'll be able to dm them while those who actually put money in it to get it done the old way are all loosing like ~50 on planet size.

      An easy way to correct that, while maintaning the feature, costless for GF (no need to give am, dm or anything specific), would be to simply give to every p15 planet from before this update a +50 size.

      This way this new feature still work and it's fair to everyone. Those who pay to dm wont be the "loosing team", those who dm after the upadate already have the big size.

      Thx for reading and sorry for the poor lvl in english :P

      Edit: I made a mistake taking my point of view as an aquarius player (specific universe with bonus on the size)

      So here is the size/t° for each slot

      So we can see:
      - a midle size of 147 in p3
      -à midle size of 204 in p8 (if we can move from any position to 15, it's not a great guess to say people 'll do 9 to 15)

      And we get e 204-147 = 57.

      So a +50 for each p15 made before the update seem like quite decent, it's really not too much to ask i think?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by jerome020040 ().