• Resources and Facilities


      yo creo que como avanza el universo las naves de carga chicas y grandes se quedan cortas para el traslado de recursos, con respecto a la produccion y a los ataques realizados asi como los recicladores por lo que pienso es que deberían agregar un tipo de nave de carga aun mayor que permita transportar 100,000 unidades de recurso por lo menos su integridad y escudos mejorados para que se vuelva mas eficiente.

      o desarollar otra investigación que permita que estas naves aumenten sus capacidades de carga y asi como su estructura y como vaya avanzando el uni poder seguir auemtando la investigación para tener mas capacidad; que al aumentar estas también se vería incrementado el costo de la nave.

      I believe that as the universe progresses the large and small cargo ships are short for the transfer of resources, with respect to the production and the attacks made as well as the recyclers for what I think is that they should add a type of cargo ship even greater that allows to transport 100,000 units of resource at least its integrity and improved shields so that it becomes more efficient.o develop another research that allows these ships to increase their load capacities and their structure and as the unit progresses, continuing to limit research to have more capacity; that increasing these would also increase the cost of the ship.
    • Hi T1T4N,

      Thanks for publishing your idea and also providing a translation of it :)

      So if I understand correctly, this ships or research would increase the storage size... but at what price? Should be like a middle point between a DeathStar and a Large Cargo? (I do agree with 100k, maybe a little bit more)

      What do you think it's better in order to have this? Sacrifice Ship Speed or Deuterium Consumption?

      Thanks for your feedback!