More Moons per Planet and More fields allowing resource buildings to be built on Moons!

    • Resources and Facilities

    • More Moons per Planet and More fields allowing resource buildings to be built on Moons!

      Planets that can have up to 3 moons.

      The moons can have separate resource building fields (much less than planets of course, lets say about 40-60?), and facility buildings fields (same as now), allowing for the construction of mines on a moon.

      Now the resource production from mines on a moon should be much less than a planet since it is much smaller and less dense in resources. I say the production should be somewhere between a quarter (1/4) and a sixth (1/6) to that of a planet. Also moon mines should cost more to upgrade than planet mines, since the conditions on a moon are much more uninhabitable and unworkable than on a planet.

      This will allow for much more activity to be done in the game, since every moon can produce its own resources, build its own fleet and defense, players can attack moons for profit and there would be more targets in the game, even though the player count is the same.
    • Bl4cky wrote:

      Why is there a need to mine resources from moons. Let's get into the "Lore" of this game. Say you put 4-7 Million Ressources consisting of crystal and metal into producing a moon and now you mine the moon and get more resources then what it consists of. That doesn't really make any sense for me. :D
      if you are gonna look at it like that then the people who have been playing on the old servers 10+ years now and mining their planets with level 40+ mines should have depleted their resources as well maybe ? :D
    • stellar pegasus wrote:

      Planets that can have up to 3 moons.
      I don't like ......... in this way fleetsave will become super super easy ........... will become impossible to crash fleets. Already around there are too much moons

      stellar pegasus wrote:

      The moons can have separate resource building fields (much less than planets of course, lets say about 40-60?), and facility buildings fields (same as now), allowing for the construction of mines on a moon.

      Now the resource production from mines on a moon should be much less than a planet since it is much smaller and less dense in resources. I say the production should be somewhere between a quarter (1/4) and a sixth (1/6) to that of a planet. Also moon mines should cost more to upgrade than planet mines, since the conditions on a moon are much more uninhabitable and unworkable than on a planet.

      This will allow for much more activity to be done in the game, since every moon can produce its own resources, build its own fleet and defense, players can attack moons for profit and there would be more targets in the game, even though the player count is the same.
      Watching only in your account, this idea not seen an improve of game, but only a way to product more resource in same time .......... so go in the direction to improve economy speed, that in my opinion is not an improve of game, but it is only a change to help players that want all and fast, that don't want to wait 6 months to have rips, etc

      I understand that with progressive less players around, you could think that improve numbers of planets or moons give more target , but i don't see really an improve of activity.
      Then who will invest all that resource thinking that moon can be losted and so lost points ? Next step of game will become attack moon not for gain, but for stolen points ?

    • TGWo wrote:

      stellar pegasus wrote:

      Planets that can have up to 3 moons.
      I don't like ......... in this way fleetsave will become super super easy ........... will become impossible to crash fleets. Already around there are too much moons

      stellar pegasus wrote:

      The moons can have separate resource building fields (much less than planets of course, lets say about 40-60?), and facility buildings fields (same as now), allowing for the construction of mines on a moon.

      Now the resource production from mines on a moon should be much less than a planet since it is much smaller and less dense in resources. I say the production should be somewhere between a quarter (1/4) and a sixth (1/6) to that of a planet. Also moon mines should cost more to upgrade than planet mines, since the conditions on a moon are much more uninhabitable and unworkable than on a planet.

      This will allow for much more activity to be done in the game, since every moon can produce its own resources, build its own fleet and defense, players can attack moons for profit and there would be more targets in the game, even though the player count is the same.
      Watching only in your account, this idea not seen an improve of game, but only a way to product more resource in same time .......... so go in the direction to improve economy speed, that in my opinion is not an improve of game, but it is only a change to help players that want all and fast, that don't want to wait 6 months to have rips, etc
      I understand that with progressive less players around, you could think that improve numbers of planets or moons give more target , but i don't see really an improve of activity.
      Then who will invest all that resource thinking that moon can be losted and so lost points ? Next step of game will become attack moon not for gain, but for stolen points ?
      I want to add even that with 3 moons everyone will not try to take a fleetsave, cause is already risky now, with 3 moons and the bashing limit to 6 it would become really a suicide. The exact opposite of what you've thinked, less activities instead of more.