Server Transfer Option - Accounts

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    • Server Transfer Option - Accounts

      I propose the ability to pay GF a small fee (perhaps $15 or $20USD) to be able to transfer your account from 1 Universe to another. This is an option already for many MMORPG games online and has been for some 20 years. This is a way for GF to generate additional sales for very little work on the employee's end and creates a new revenue stream with zero overhead or additional cost to GF. I'll let you guys figure out the restrictions and limitations to the idea as some would need to be implemented within reason but I think it would be a great feature to add for us players. There are a plethora of scenarios and situations I can think of where moving from 1 Uni to another of your choosing would be beneficial for your game play experience. Many long-time, dedicated players find themselves in dead Uni's or actively playing in a server where their mates have moved on from leaving them behind. I feel this would help combat 'Dead' Uni's as well as give us a chance to continue enjoying our investments here @ .org

      Additional sales for little to no additional work on GF's end and a happier consumer at the end of the day. Maybe someone get's crashed but they have a good fleet in another Uni, giving them a chance at bringing it to where they most want to play would certainly push them to stick around instead of leave or start anew in a Fresh Uni. With recent server settings changes this could become even more beneficial for the player.

      I know of several players who are 'retired' who would return if they had a decent account to hop into without starting at 0 points. Alliances already have for years kept 'afk' accounts on standby for when someone returns to the game or a friend from another server decides to join you where you are at.
    • I don't know if this is a good idea, but for sure the first constraint that we should put is that player A can not move to any universe in which he has more points than the top100.

      An even better thing would be to take average points between all players active in the last month, in the various universes and then player A can not move to any universe where it exceeds the average points of that universe of a coefficient to be decided