Selfmade International Server

    • Selfmade International Server

      Hey guys,
      Since GF is apparently not able to provide us with an international universe, my mate jonas555 had the idea to just create our very own experience.
      Therefore we had the idea to take an already active and relatively new uni and try to make it an international Uni.
      Our choice was as a lot of the initial organizers were playing on the server.

      To make the start easier we want to offer you a small starting package which will provide you:

      400.000 Metal 600.000 Crystal 300.000 Deuterium

      On top there will be a little challenge:
      The top three players with the biggest increase in points during the period from 25th September until the next moon event will receive moonshots until he gets 2 moons.
      If other players decide to join me on this we will increase the prize pool.

      here is the list of players you can contact for your package:
      HungrigWieAmRamadan [3:132:15]
      DANNY NEDELKO [1:295:6]
      on our discourd you can ask for help or just talk to other players

      The post was edited 1 time, last by gamer2014 ().