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    • AntiGameReborn

      Hello friends of good taste,

      given that the development of AGO has stopped, I decided to take over development and release my own version: AntiGameReborn.

      My version includes a lot of bugfixes and also some new features as well as planned new features:

      [Feature] Merchant button is highlighted if there is a new item in Import/Export
      [Feature] Redirection after sending a fleet can be changed to "movement" (AGR Menu -> Fleets)
      [planned] Redirection after sending a fleet can be individually set for every routine; when attacking from the spy table it would redirect back to messages for example
      [planned] Add profiles for settings; let users import settings from other universes
      [planned] Polishing of the highscore: buttons scroll "with you" and a click on a player shows rankings and points of the player in other areas including rough fleet size

      And a lot more with your ideas!

      Before you install AntiGameReborn make sure you backup your settings in your old AGO version and delete all other AGO versions, since the installation of AntiGameReborn doesn't overwrite other AGO versions!

      Download AntiGameReborn for Chrome / Opera
      Download AntiGameReborn for Firefox

      For installation in Opera install the addon "Install Chrome Extensions" first, then install AGR from the Chrome web store.

      Visit us on the official AntiGameReborn Discord where you can ask questions, report bugs or make suggestions for changes or new features. If you have problems with AGR, this is the place where you'll get quick support. Also you'll be the first to get the newest updates and test new Beta versions before they are released to Final version.

      Link to the Discord:
    • AGO is now also available on the Chrome Web Store and on Addons Mozilla with the updated version.

      Download für Chrome/Opera
      Download für Firefox

      Also stop by the official AGO Discord server to be the first to get the newest updates and also test new beta versions before they are released to Final version:

      Current beta version's changelog:
      Display Spoiler
      [Bugfix] OGame not recognizing fleet after using auto-switch planets on Collect and Fleetsave routines
      [Bugfix] Not being able to send a fleet after auto-switch of planets
      [Bugfix/Polishing] Some optimizations and small bugfixes
      [Feature] Added research to the detailed report view in the spy table (
      [Feature] Added spy table to Favorites and Shared spy reports
      [Feature] Merchant button is highlighted if there is a new item in Import/Export
    • Version 6.7.2 Changelog:
      [Bugfix] OGame not recognizing fleet after using auto-switch planets on Collect and Fleetsave routines
      [Bugfix] Not being able to send a fleet after auto-switch of planets
      [Bugfix/Polishing] Some optimizations and small bugfixes
      [Feature] Added research to the detailed report view in the spy table (
      [Feature] Added spy table to Favorites and Shared spy reports
      [Feature] Merchant button is highlighted if there is a new item in Import/Export
      [Bugfix] Fix for galaxy shortcuts; using AGO shortcuts now goes through systems/galaxies one by one
      [Bugfix] Global deuterium save factor is now implemented in the Deuterium consumption calculation
      [Bugfix] Fix for using AGO together with UniverseView
      [Bugfix] Fix for fleet selection for amounts >10 million
    • After Shole made Mozilla disable my version of AGO, the Firefox version was temporarily unavailable. I don't understand why he has to put obstacles in the community's way (he also made Mozilla disable the french version), but I guess he's just doing the necessity of his character. However, the issue should be solved now and a new AGO version is now available.

      Change log version
      [Polishing] Sanitized innerHTML assignments
      [Polishing] donutGalaxy and probing from Galaxy view improvement
      [Feature] Redirection after sending a fleet can be changed to "movement" (AGO Menu -> Fleets)
    • Hey @RiV-,

      this is just begining.
      AntiGame registered on my name and its code behind protected against copy. It is in my ownership, and I have documentation for that, what will you see very soon. Several legal things broken here, AGO isn't public code, than you can make a copy of it, you can't change a code...
      We will solve this trough legal way. My lawyer is taking care of it, court order already accepted charge for DCMA since code is same you made whole process easier. Yesterday Mozilla received court document, their lawyer also needs to check document before sending you DCMA notice. They said they will take it down for insecure innerHTML in meanwhile, what doesn't change anything that there will be consequences. Google didn't responded yet to DCMA breach, but lawyer is taking care.
      Since you continued, I will also take care that you receive a charge for trademark violations.


      RiV- wrote:

      Since the development of AGO is not really progressing, I have decided to make my version available to the public with small bug fixes and keep updating it. For the most part, this will only be bug fixes, so that you can continue to use AGO without any problem. Nevertheless, I still have some ideas that I still want to incorporate, so you can still request features anyway. If I find the time, I will try to install one or the other feature
      If is progressing or not its my thing, if i will develop it or not. You are just not allowed to copy it and made your versions of it, esprecially without asking owner (me).
      Gameforge is also receiving copy of court order document, so this should be also removed very soon for DCMA breach.
      And yeah, sure, you will also receive copy and invitation for court process in your country, already on its way.

      You could just made your own addon and not copy. Prepare good lawyer for process :)
      Thats all from mine side.
    • This is the code Riv forked from (…n4tagn7mab/source/network)
      (The code is public as anyone can get into this link in GitHub -
      Just making a piece of code publicly accessible is not what it takes to call it open source software.

      Now, according to license.txt…e/blob/master/license.txt

      Source Code

      1. Copyright (c) 2013 - AntiGameOrigin by Shole / RiV- / Francolino
      3. 1. AntiGameOrigin is not open source. Code changes are prohibited and it is strictly forbidden to distribute AntiGameOrigin or modified versions.
      4. 2. AntiGameOrigin is for private use only.
      5. 3. You use AntiGameOrigin "as it is" on your own risk and please respect "fair play".
      6. 4. AntiGameOrigin might stop working if you use forbidden OGame tools. List of allowed tools:

      We can all see the line "Code changes are prohibited and it is strictly forbidden to distribute AntiGameOrigin or modified versions." but according to the copyright, one of the 'owners' in this case RiV- is doing this.

      At the same time, this repo does not have a proper GitHub License.

      To be honest with both of you @Shole and @RiV- looks like I might be missing something else or I'm not seeing the right sources. Hope both of you can solve this problem in a good way, cheers!
    • @RiV- you will see it when documentation arrives to Germany. Won't do anything what could affect whole case.

      @Charlie That is when he worked for AntiGame on legal way, than was this repo made.
      Doesn't change anything, you can't publish modify versions of AntiGame according to licence.

      Yes you are missing a lot. :)

    • Says a guy who dunno if he has enough skill for coming and being developer for AGO.
      Oh boy, you wasn't a guy like that, idk what happened with guy who had good behavior and respected others especially those who GAVE him even a opportunity to become part of developing AntiGame. You are just not same person, i know since i would never gave that opportunity to person which you became now.

      So look, i don't know what are you thinking but this isn't any game or so and it isn't funny to be laughed at, this is serious thing. I am the one who continued development when Francolino left. I have adapted code for Ogame v6, At that time antigame was not registered, i done all legal stuff to register it and prevent from copying (what you done now). You wasn't even here when all happen and you give yourself permission to talk about something. First and last, you don't have any legal rights to clone Antigameorigin and end of story. Accepted court order is for DMCA, what stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. So you can come to court and tell he didn't done nothing but that doesn't affect the case. Quote from court order: "infringes one of your copyrights".

      This is my last post according all this, all other will be done trough legal side privately. I neither have time to argue with copycat, i paid lawyer for this process and he will continue this all. Best regards.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Shole ().

    • DMCA? What are you talking about? DMCA is not applicable in Germany. Do you live in the US? Does RiV live in the US? No. So DMCA is not applicable at all. Honestly, did you even engage a lawyer? Doesn't seem like.

      Besides that, after some time thinking about this, I do not see why the copyrights for the AGO sourcecode should be in your hands, Shole. I don't see any reason why it should be. And all your argumentation here is just foobar, honestly. You are talking about AGO as if it is a company or something. The licensing of AGO is totally broken, from my point of view, it does not have any valid license at all, so the legal situation should from my point of view be totally unclear, especially as you published the sourcecode on GitHub and invited people to work with you on it. But, I am not a lawyer and especially not a judge, and I think the real ownership or copyright holder of AGO can only be clarified in court. And I think you have no good hand to play in that case, Shole. But if you want to go that road, do it. Just keep in mind that your behavior is not appropriate for someone who wants to offer the community a voluntary project.
    • Shole wrote:

      Says a guy who dunno if he has enough skill for coming and being developer for AGO.
      What's the problem with that? When I started working on AGO I wasn't very experienced, that is true. Working on AGO I learned a lot, that is true as well. Where is the problem about all of this?
      But I invite everyone to check the commit history for AGO themselves (…mab/source/commits/master) and decide for themselves who did how much of the work on AGO.

      I wasn't a guy like this? Well I can say that you were a guy like this all along. You've always had this arrogance on you and claimed other's work as yours. The first thing you did was to change "AGO by Francolino" to "AGO by Shole" even though 99% of the code was still Francolino's. You don't value intelectual property at all. The only reason I didn't speak up back then was to protect AGO and the community from the havoc you would've caused.

      Shole wrote:

      Oh boy, you wasn't a guy like that, idk what happened with guy who had good behavior and respected others especially those who GAVE him even a opportunity to become part of developing AntiGame.
      This proves my point very well. You have a totally twisted view on all of this. It is not me who should be grateful to you. This addon was created for the community, all of us in the AGO team that agreed to help did that for the community. You didn't give anyone an oppurtunity, we just agreed to help out so the community has a working addon. You on the other hand didn't add anything to AGO, yet you claim rights about it. If anything the community owns AGO, and they deserve a working addon without being hindered by your ego.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by RiV- ().