07.05: PTS Update

    • 07.05: PTS Update

      There is a new version for the Lobby coming to the PTS, on Monday, 7th of May at 10:00 CEST.
      This version is coming with improvements to make the user experience a bit more comfortable once we implement the Lobby in the live servers.
      Here is the Changelog:

      OGame Lobby:
      [New] Server category and label for settings
      [New] Sitting function
      [New] Account merge (merge game accounts with different mails into the same Lobby account).
      [New] Mobile version

      Game version 6.7.0:
      [New] Indication of available import/export trader properly available now.
      [Bug fix] Random error on registration is fixed.
      [Bug fix] Validation info message is clear now.
      [Bug fix] Name change not available at the settings.
      [Bug fix] Rules background properly shown.
      [Bug fix] Reward page works now.
      [Bug fix] Ipad APP buttons malfunction is fixed.

      [Removed] No captcha in the game anymore.

      Your OGame Team