ideas for higher Graviton levels

    • Research

    • ideas for higher Graviton levels

      Hi everyone ,

      I'd like to offer you some ideas for the famous graviton:

      In relation to ideas across the community
      a system to unlock bonuses according to his level.

      lvl 1 Graviton: Unlock rip and moon break capacity (actually)
      Energy needed:300.000

      lvl 2 Graviton: Nothing Bonus Unlock
      Energy needed:900.000

      lvl 3 Graviton: Unlock 3 moon bonus fields and 3 planet fields with 3% energy increase.
      Energy needed:2.700.000

      lvl 4 Graviton: Nothing Bonus Unlock
      Energy needed:8.100.000

      lvl 5 Graviton: Unlock Galaxie Dock capacity (The space dock could create from a cdr threshold during a battle in the same galaxy
      from the wreckage of this small % wreckage fight of the cdr.)
      Energy needed:24.300.000

      lvl 6 Graviton: Nothing Bonus Unlock
      Energy needed:72.900.000

      And the last lvl 7 Graviton: Unlock Ressources jump gate capacity (only Metal and Cristal can jump Gate)
      Energy needed:218.700.000