The commander officer

    • General

    • The commander officer

      I got an idea about the commander officer. There a lot of people who use a lot of the function if not all of the functions that commander brings, but for some (me for instance) it's mostly used cause of the building queue. Since some players play with little to no DM and usually would use it for geologist or engineer, the commander is left out many times for better officers. BUT the biggest problem comes when you finished astro and wanna make a new planet, all fine and well, but then you have to sit there for hours on end, waiting for each building to finish so you can start the new one, that's where the commander shines with the building queue. But a lot of people won't spend 10k so they can have commander for 7 days just to use the queue for 1 planet, waste of DM.

      What i propose is that you GIVE the commander for free (inb4 banned for using the word free :P ) jokes aside, i had in mind to give the commander for 24h whenever you finish astro that gives you another planet slot, that way you can make a planet and use the building queue to get it to a degree where you don't exactly NEED the queue in order to build mines and such. This could also help newer players since it can be a bit annoying to sit there for the first few mines, checking every minute and sometimes forgetting for a few minutes aswell. Can get annoying for some new players, potentially making them quit earlier.

      But since we know Gameforge is a company that 90% cares only for money (again, can smell the ban incoming ;) ), there could also be an option to buy the 24h commander with either DM or maybe even BPs, since they are kinda ''useless'' atm, for DM it would be something like 2000DM for 24h, which makes it 5 days for 10k, which is how much the 7 days one costs, so it wouldn't be abused. Or potentially with 15-20 BPs maybe?

      All-in-All, the building queue is a life saver and for new players, a way to get accustomed to the game, cause we all know, once you ''get into'' the game, it's hard to get out :D
    • by tutorial you can win 3 days of commander already.

      In my opinion your idea is impossible. As you said the more used function of commander is queue, so if you will give for free for any new planet, nobody will spend DM to buy it . And also to create a 24 hours option , don't seen a good idea for money, because a lot of player will use only 24 hours, so less money for GameForge.

      Thinking that with 5 euro you buy 60.000 DM = 6 times you can active commander , or that by phone with 3 euro you buy 25.000 DM = 2 times you can active commander , I don't see need to apply your idea

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TGWo ().