
    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things.

      The Jumpgate network between alliance members and acs

      This means that alliance members could use each other jump gates and maybe can keep them fleet on the alliance members moon.
      This is very important ability for alliance members, which lets do more collaborations between alliance members. This network would allow few players to do fast acs defense or do blitz attack. Also I think this network should allow transport resources.
    • So are you proposing that player A can start an attack from moon of player B ? or that player A move ships in moon of player B, and then player B can use ships of player A to attack ?
      (A and B are in same ally)

      This could sound interesting, but at same time change completely balance in game, and need to introduce cost in use of jumpgate that actually don't exist.

      I don't like idea that ou can move resource with jumpgate, because will become very easy to move resource ........... change completely balance of game. To introduce a thing of this kind, need at least that a part of resources will be lost in jump.