Lobby Update

    • Lobby Update

      Next Wednesday, 21st of February, the first version of the Lobby will be implemented in the Public Test Server.
      We would apreciate if you could join the test phase and provide as much feedback as you can.
      To create an account in the Public Test servers, click here.

      • With this version, we will introduce as well the Facebook login, meaning, players will be able to register in the Lobby through Facebook.
      • Since the first version of the Lobby does not have an option to merge within the same Lobby game accounts that have different e-mail addresses, a Lobby will show up for every login with different mail and password.
      • With the Facebook login, the Lobby account will not have the option to change the e-mail since the registration to the Lobby is done without this data.

      Happy testing!
      Your OGame Team

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • FAQ- Lobby
      What is the Lobby?
      The Lobby is our new account management front end. Simple as that!

      Naming and wording
      • Game accounts:
        Until now we called your game roundaccounts’, but from now on we clarify that by calling them Game accounts. That way it is more distinct and helps to differentiate between your Game accounts and your Lobby account.
      • Lobby account:
        The Lobby account is your main account to log in into the Lobby and from there into all your Game accounts. So keep your Lobby account credentials secure and do not share them. Accounts sitting as you did it in the past is not recommended anymore (we will provide an extra option for letting others players sit your account without giving anyone your password in the future, but this option will not be available from the start as we are still working on it, it will come in a future version of the Lobby).

      Will there be another way to log in only in 1 game round?
      The Lobby will be from now on the only login available to access your game rounds.

      How will the Lobby gather all my OGame accounts?
      Once this version is implemented, all your existing OGame accounts with the same email address and the same password will be automatically merged into one single Lobby account.

      How do I merge other Game accounts into the same Lobby account?
      If you have multiple Game accounts with the same email address and different password, you will create a Lobby account with the first Game account that you use to log in. If you try to login in any other Game account with the same email address and different password, you will get a ‘wrong credentials’ message. Please use the ‘password reset’ functionality to reset the password for all Game accounts linked to that email address. Once the password is reset, since the Game accounts will have the same email address and password, they will be all part of the same Lobby account.

      Note: You do not need to use a new/different password when you reset it. You can use as well the password you are already using in your Lobby account.

      I have a Lobby/Game account with a different email address, can I add it to my already existing Lobby account?
      With the first Lobby version it will not be possible to merge Lobby accounts, however this is something we are planning for future versions. If you login into your game round BEFORE the lobby is on-line you can change all your different email addresses to a single one and getting one Lobby account for all your Game accounts.

      Will it only merge my Game accounts within one community?
      No, it will gather all your existing Game accounts from any OGame community in any language that have the same email address and the same password.

      What language will my Lobby account have?
      For now, your Lobby account does not need a language. The language the lobby will be shown to you depends on the language of the community you were attempting to log in. For example, if you open http://ogame.de or de.ogame.gameforge.com/, the Lobby will show up in German.

      Can I change the Lobby language?
      Yes, you can. You can do so by opening in your browser a community with the language you want to use (for example, if you want Spanish you just need to open http://ogame.es or es.ogame.gameforge.com/).

      Where are my Game accounts now?
      Right after the log in into your Lobby account, you will see the list of Game accounts that you already have in all the communities of OGame.

      With the first Lobby version, this section ‘Your accounts’ will show the following information for each Game account:
      • Universe name
      • Country flag
      • Category
      • Nickname
      • Rank
      • A button to start playing
      The Game accounts list is sorted by activity, being the most recent login at the top of the list by default.

      How do I register on a new server?
      Below the ‘Your accounts’ section you’ll find the ‘Start on a new server’ section where you can find the 4 newest servers. If you like to see them all, just click the ‘show all’ button and you are also able to change the language. Both lists contain the same information:
      • Universe name
      • Country flag
      • Category
      • For how long the server has been running
      • A button to start playing

      Does the forced logout at 3 A.M. C.E.T. affect the Lobby?
      No, the Lobby account will remain logged in for as long as your Lobby session stays active. The Game accounts will have their forced logout at 3:00 A.M. the same way they have it now.

      Can I play simultaneously in multiple Game accounts within the same Lobby account?
      Yes, you can. Each Game account will be automatically opened in a new tab keeping the Lobby account open in the first tab.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief

      The post was edited 2 times, last by NoMoreAngel ().