Remove possibility to instant builds a lot of defence/ships

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Remove possibility to instant builds a lot of defence/ships

      Hello, what I come here to suggest is agreed by most ogame players I believe, even the ones that are victims of attacks im sure, and probably this won't be done but It's worth the shot...
      So, here it goes, when you attack someone successfully, you played well, using your knowledge and skill in the game. Then, the defender comes online, and instantly builds reciclers and gets the df and many times this happens, both players have loss, in some universes, depending on df%, maybe defender wins!
      Also the situations where you are attacking someone and instantly they build a ton of defense... This is GAME BREAKING! I'm sure everyone agrees that the logical thing would be to remove instant builds from hangar and defense. I know, I know, you need the money, and instant builds are a big part of it, but I'm sure you have lost quite a decent ammount of players due to changes like this, and you have to maintain the game quality, not change it into a completely different game, I can accept all updates you have done, but hangar and defense instant builds should not exist. Please, make this happen. You KNOW I'm right
    • I edit title of your suggest to be more inclusive.

      I agree with your idea.

      Maybe if GameForge don't want to remove totally (because for example it is used not only during attack), then add a min time to build under which any queue can not go, that is, that every queue can be reduced from time to time, but it must remain a minimum construction time (for example it could be 15 minutes).

      the formula can be either a fixed time, or that the construction time of the queue can be reduced to a maximum of 99% with respect to the initial time.

    • neighbor wrote:

      So, here it goes, when you attack someone successfully, you played well, using your knowledge and skill in the game. Then, the defender comes online, and instantly builds reciclers and gets the df and many times this happens, both players have loss, in some universes, depending on df%, maybe defender wins!
      Or may be the defender did right by planning in a good area calculating that the enemy is not around, and that they might need to spend a lot of deuterium to attack you so you are safe. (Just an example.)
      And then the attacker just spend some dark matter to move next to you instantly and surprise! you have been hit.

      So letting the defender have a possibility to surprise the opponent is acceptable.
    • Minion wrote:

      neighbor wrote:

      So, here it goes, when you attack someone successfully, you played well, using your knowledge and skill in the game. Then, the defender comes online, and instantly builds reciclers and gets the df and many times this happens, both players have loss, in some universes, depending on df%, maybe defender wins!
      Or may be the defender did right by planning in a good area calculating that the enemy is not around, and that they might need to spend a lot of deuterium to attack you so you are safe. (Just an example.)And then the attacker just spend some dark matter to move next to you instantly and surprise! you have been hit.

      So letting the defender have a possibility to surprise the opponent is acceptable.

      u can plan ninjas and return hits. It goes against the logic of the game. If the defender is not noob, most times he/she won't be hit. If you are attacking someone who made a mistake, and/or made a well-planned hit, you deserve to profit, not hit a brick wall or lose your df to a few clicks... :|
    • TGWo wrote:

      I edit title of your suggest to be more inclusive.

      I agree with your idea.

      Maybe if GameForge don't want to remove totally (because for example it is used not only during attack), then add a min time to build under which any queue can not go, that is, that every queue can be reduced from time to time, but it must remain a minimum construction time (for example it could be 15 minutes).

      the formula can be either a fixed time, or that the construction time of the queue can be reduced to a maximum of 99% with respect to the initial time.
      It´s stills the same, just need to build more, instead 100 plasma and double clic it, add 150 and get the 100 whit double clic and the other 50 queue on the 15 minutes (for example). Maybe will be better if the double clic works like the wrek fields or something like that and if you double clic it, have to wait for 15 minutes to have all the queue operative for example.

      (sorry my english)
    • TGWo wrote:

      Minion wrote:

      And then the attacker just spend some dark matter to move next to you instantly and surprise! you have been hit.
      relocation is not instantly. You can see in galaxy map if someone is relocationing in your system.
      PS: I don't love relocation function, but this it is not argument of thread
      I wasn't talking about relocations. I mean what we call ninjas in Spain (sending colony ship with deuterium, instamoon, instajumpgate, and launch attack). But still, even relocating is quite a change, and not everyone can foresee it. So in the same way, I think that a quick reaction by the defender is not out of balance.
    • that is in part a problem of defender that don't check what happen in his system (moon cannot to be create in 2 seconds) , and in part a problem that don't exist a limit about use of dark matter.

      But in any case, for me you cannot put on an equal footing an attack done with that mode, which requires organization and time (because anyway an attack in the system in the universes x1 does not happen in 2 minutes ......... if then we talk about universes x3-x4-x6 ........ that's a problem for those who choose to play in such fast universes) with the construction of a bunker really made in a few seconds.
      But above all for me the correct way is not to leave everything free, but rather, for example, to prevent the instantaneous construction of the jumpgate

    • Minion wrote:

      TGWo wrote:

      Minion wrote:

      And then the attacker just spend some dark matter to move next to you instantly and surprise! you have been hit.
      relocation is not instantly. You can see in galaxy map if someone is relocationing in your system.PS: I don't love relocation function, but this it is not argument of thread
      I wasn't talking about relocations. I mean what we call ninjas in Spain (sending colony ship with deuterium, instamoon, instajumpgate, and launch attack). But still, even relocating is quite a change, and not everyone can foresee it. So in the same way, I think that a quick reaction by the defender is not out of balance.
      Minion, ogame is a game of patience, strategy and planning ahead. Being careless leaving res and fleet around all the time is being a noob, and using dm and/or detroits as a last minute resort and half-ass through your game making yourself having loss anyway and also the opponent, goes against the nature of the game and is not correct :grumble: