Bip Chat
- Info: Bip Chat play sound when you have new private message.
- Author: Valmone
- Ogame: 6.1
- Website: No website.
- Support : Here, on the french board and on discord: @Valmone#4097 .
- Download : Bip_Chat
- Screenshot : See Below.
- Browser : Chrome (Tampermonkey), probably on Firefox(Greasemonkey).
- Compability : Every scripts for the moment.
- Languages : French & English.
Bip Chat is a simple script that make sound when you receive new private message.
Since Ogame 6.1, script miss out message few.
Like it, you can surf on the web and reduce your number when you check your box. Even if lot of people use Skype, Discord, and other.
Thank you

Changelog 1.2 wrote:
- We can switch on and off sound when you want
- Languages: French & English.
Changelog 1.5 wrote:
The script is now functional on accounts with officers (thank you the blocking of the pub)
The post was edited 6 times, last by Valmone ().