Solve Merging, population problems and Vmode people

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    • Solve Merging, population problems and Vmode people

      After 8 years not playing ogame, i want to come back.. I miss the game, because it's the best game i ever played, but population and changes not doing in the correct direction make me worry about the lifespan of the game. This game has so much potential, so much... in year 2017 you have 300.000 users playing an abstract game without any graphic.. that's impressive, but this is not regarding to the decisions GF made in the last few years, this come from the main idea and first years of the game.. the idea of the game is what make this game to still live

      Gameforge is doing thing in the different direction they must, there are pretty good things they can do for game and encourage people to come back ( I see MANY accounts in VMODE )

      1- Enable multi language Interface language switcher (es,en,fr,de whatever you choose) so people that play can have the interface in their main language

      2- Find the way that when you lose your fleet not lose all, attacker gets all but defender can rebuild 50% of your fleet, so hit will not be so shocking for people (obviously with money, so GF will get profit here and this will encourage people spend money, and for them that they don't want to get money everywhere)

      3- When they merge, they are doing incorrectly, they should merge server region to server region, not server to server in same region. With similar caracteristics and age, why? because many people rank 5 in newer uni go to 160 rank later, they quit not for the rank... it's for the difference in points, and they have an account of 2 years old, and they fight against an account with 8 years? no way.
      So if you merge similar age and unis the rank 15 will be 80 but the difference of points will be the same, the top 100 will be like rank 400 aprox, all of them but they will have same quantity of points difference from rank 1 as before... So, who don't want to be rank 100 again?

      examples how to merge correctly:

      11 001 259 588W4R_MaChINE

      100157 165 994Pink Bits

      11 094 215 273Overlord Zetta

      100123 501 154Long Drink (vI)

      1709 125 952sadoman

      100157 976 459Abraeumer (v)

      11 313 924 768asenoc

      10075 241 174Odesa (vI)

      4- I would merge very different regions: Americas + Europe + Asia + Oceania ( 2, 2, 2, 2) unis or not all together to make people want to have a Universe region war... many people will come back

      Why merging this way?

      War Machine / Sadoman / Asenoc / Overlord Zetta will try to fight for rank 1 each other, etc etc etc
      and this kind of merging will benefit GF a lot.. think if all people is similar in points/rank, they will reinvest in DM to be in better positions than before

      In this point what you do is encourage fight people Region to Region, like a world war.. I would love to fight for any region to see who are the best... MANY MANY people that is in vmode will play again to kill other region people, will be awesome

      The merge from newers unis should be the same, by age and points... so easy and profitable for GF, and game will be live again

      The post was edited 10 times, last by InspiratioN ().

    • Humm.. very interesting

      It'll solve a lot of big problems about merges actually,
      at the level of the host universes, far from similar beings. :stick:

      Merges to a new uni with x5 eco x4 fleet speed and 40% Df
      about 1200 players active.

      or all in quantum, but it switches to speed x4 fleet..
      with the same language system and options available
      above ;)
    • InspiratioN wrote:

      2- Find the way that when you lose your fleet not lose all, attacker gets all but defender can rebuild 50% of your fleet, so hit will not be so shocking for people (obviously with money, so GF will get profit here and this will encourage people spend money, and for them that they don't want to get money everywhere)
      Gameforge already insert this kind of features. it is called Wreck field

      InspiratioN wrote:

      1- Enable multi language Interface language switcher (es,en,fr,de whatever you choose)
      If the game is thought only about interface, then your idea is good. But in reality the question is more complex.
      I don't know what is life in other country and what is relationship with using English. For my experience not a lot of player will like to talk in english; it will be a barrier and so forum and interaction in game will be thwarted. I'm of course talking about the fact that to be able to exchange pms with other players you will have to write in english (but maybe you will talk only with players of same arriving country), and about thread of hof where normally there are discussion between players, and a lot of people could be bored to use english
      In my opinion with international server maybe for a period we will have more players, but we have to see what will be effect in interactions ? I'm afraid that many players will feel isolated by language.

      InspiratioN wrote:

      3- When they merge, they are doing incorrectly, they should merge server region to server region, not server to server in same region. With similar caracteristics and age, why? because many people rank 5 in newer uni go to 160 rank later, they quit not for the rank... it's for the difference in points, and they have an account of 2 years old, and they fight against an account with 8 years? no way.
      So if you merge similar age and unis the rank 15 will be 80 but the difference of points will be the same, the top 100 will be like rank 400 aprox, all of them but they will have same quantity of points difference from rank 1 as before... So, who don't want to be rank 100 again?
      Apparently it seems a good solution. But we must also think about what is a sad reality (even if few will have the courage to admit it).
      Ogame is structured to encourage combat big-to-small and not combat big-big. So old universe is happy to receive new players, but don't want players of same points, but small players.
      In this way merging sound more as to give food to fish .

      Of course while target universe is happy to receive new food, players from exodus universe are not happy of solution; and so what can happen is or that a moved account soon will stop to play, or that moved account work hard to have competion and move highscore (and for this could happen to use DM).

      With your kind of merge what will be effect ? I don't know honestly, but I could afraid that instead to have more activity we will have less activity.

      maybe need a testing

    • Honestly, I think the future of ogame is multi-community/language community servers
      for a new approach to gambling.
      And I even think that this created another perspective will energize the allied side and alliance.

      I don't think the english today is a obstacle for players.
      but I understand quite well about the forum in a big fight.
      which should be posted on each country according to who is who...

      TGWo wrote:

      maybe need a testing
      i think it's a good idea :P
    • I think that forum are already dead, and now it's pretty easy to comunicate in english, mostly people know language, but if not they can use google translate... The main problem is that noone want to play in FR, DE or complex languages that are not from main region, i can't understand the interface, looks pretty ugly to me with anything that i can't read or understand what a deathsar (in french) means.. that's the main idea for multi language.

      in progame times where we had 5k players in uni, there was a lot of english comunication.. now is even easier.

      Regarding to strong-weak players.. I have been rank 1 and i loved to play with strongest players, once you go there and you are rank 1, you want to be the best of everywhere... So they will have the chance to proof that they deserve the rank. This rank 1 players i am sure they are very very bored about no new challenges, you can ask them.. i am sure of it, many of them went on VMODE

      And i still think that this kind of merging will benefit GF a lot.. think if all people is similar in points/rank, they will reinvest in DM to be in better positions than before

      The post was edited 1 time, last by InspiratioN ().