
  • General

  • Brainstorm: "crazy" ideas for the game, do not necessarily have to be developed or be logical or unrealizable, just a brainstorm ...

    New ships:

    - Aircraft carriers: they can carry in their interior an indeterminate number of light hunters and heavy hunters, who leave the boat minutes before arriving the attack, the defender can not know his exact number.

    - Submarine: invisible ships for the phalanx in an attack, but their number would be limited to 10% of the firepower of the rest of the visible fleet.


    EDITED: the brainstorm is not limited to "Fleet, Defense and Combats"..., it is general, on any aspect of the game. I do not understand why he has moved from site.

    Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

    You have no power over me.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by JJMonti ().

  • Consecutive attacks.

    Consecutive attacks to a maximum of 3 targets (planets / moons) on the same flight: the fleet is launched against target A, combat occurs, surviving ships fly to target B, combat, and fly to target C, once the last attack is over, the ships return home.

    The 3 objectives will see the full course of the attacking fleet.



    No problem, TGWo.

    If you consider that the idea of the thread is not allowed, close it. No problem.

    Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

    You have no power over me.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by JJMonti ().

  • Excuse me for late answer ........... I had asked information at responsable of suggestions, but then i forgotten to write here.

    I totally appreciate anyuser that has passion to write ideas to improve game.

    But you have to decide what do you want to do. This is section for suggestions, so here you have to write what you propose; and for a better discussion and to be ore easy to read it is need to start a new topic for any new idea (or use an existing thread if idea is similar ).

    New idea is better if are balanced and not a crazy idea, but more or less don't exist a stupid idea or unrealizable (maybe few players will like idea A , and will prefer idea B; or 90% of players will like idea C, but for gameforge it will have a cost too much and so no possible, etc).


    PS: if you want to talk about my message, please send to me a pm and i will glad to read your opinion.

    I close now:

    PS: i remember to have already listen something of similar at this 3 ideas , and also if i don't totally like , I think you could try to propose every.