New redesign

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • New redesign

      Ok: I know this one will make many people angry, but let me explain it first.

      We're not in the early 2000, when internet was crappy and most PCs were crappy too. We don't have 8mb RAMs anymore.
      Ogame is old, outdated: lets face it.

      People want to see their planets grow: they want to see it.

      Ok, many people cound get angry and leave, so that's why we need this to be an option: so the ones who prefer the good old-fashioned design can stay with it. The ones who want to see things other than numbers could have it.

      For example it would be awesome to have the Metal mine grow with every upgrade: to start with a small mine (lv.1-10), upgrade it to a medium mine (lv.11-25), large mine (lv. 26-35), giant futuristic mine (lv. 36+)
      About structures: did you ever noticed planets have no cities ? It would be awesome to see houses and towers other than the shipyard and the factories in the building's view. It would be even better if the cities grow togheter with the other structures: for example you could use the occupied building slots to do it: small city (0-50 buildings), medium city (51-120), large city (121-200), giant futuristic city (201+).

      I know it would be a huge and long work, but I think it could only help this game to have new people: modern players are not machines to feed with numbers ... they wat to see what they have built so far.
    • Realisticly these very intemperate planets would have mostly synthetic crews working the mines, to save on life support costs. Put a picture of a smokey black terminatoresque mining operation with lava in the background.

      Please dont add population and cities. Everyone will bitch about how you cant kill and raze em and the devs will make it a thing. It's not the graphical update you were hoping for. You'll wish it was just numbers.
      Dor - Cygnus - En
    • Dor wrote:

      Realisticly these very intemperate planets would have mostly synthetic crews working the mines, to save on life support costs. Put a picture of a smokey black terminatoresque mining operation with lava in the background.

      Please dont add population and cities. Everyone will bitch about how you cant kill and raze em and the devs will make it a thing. It's not the graphical update you were hoping for. You'll wish it was just numbers.
      Well, you can't kill or destroy buildings and factories either, but I don't see people complaining about that ... why we should have people complaining about the impossibility to destroy a building that doesn't even exists (being it just scenographic) ?
    • if I were the GF, and I would like to redesign the game graphically I don't propose it on all servers because if with this strategy will take the new user, I certainly would like to keep the old user.

      A good suggest is:

      Dor wrote:

      Put a picture of a smokey black terminatoresque mining operation with lava in the background
      Or continuous scrolling of images on the same lines.
      When you dismantle comes on an image and when you build it comes on another, if nothing is built or researched or put into the shipyard happens continuous scrolling of images various......

      Ogame is Ogame. For playing at the game as you intend there is Ikariam or other games.......
      Unfortunately the games must differentiate in some way.......

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DeltaT ().

    • I would love if they also allowed a non-graphical version, with less images and graphics, and really much more thought put into usability, so that the interface is fast and optimized.

      I would love to look at a page that could have a solid color, the cleanest possible buttons, all the info clearly shown and just a few images (for instance, in galaxy to show moon or debris, those two clean images are okey, but I trully don't need the graphics in the buttons, in the planets, in many other things).