engineering laboratory

    • Resources and Facilities

    • engineering laboratory

      I have taken this idea from a colleague from the Spanish forum of, here I leave your name and the initial proposal:
      This structure is responsible for adding to the ships new engineering improvements, whether in their weapons, engines, ship integrity, load capacity.

      That would be the information of the structure.
      Now I move to the fat ...This structure is responsible for increasing engines, weapons, capacity; in optimizing the ship.
      Since the function of this structure is not to produce, but to investigate new technologies applied directly to the ships,
      I consider that this structure should be in the facilities section, right next to the research laboratory.
      In this installation we would find the photos of the ships of the game, press the photo of the ship that we want to optimize and enter a new page as when you touch a ship and the poster to produce.
      In this new poster you get different options, engine, weapons, cargo capacity, rapid fire with a specific ship, etc, etc;
      In addition to what level we have it. As is usual in this game, there will be no level limit, that if the proportion can not be very high and depending on the ship it will cost to raise some of the factors more or less.
      For example:Level one of light hunter engine: 200,000 Crystal 75,000 of deuterium duration: because what usually takes a level 1 investigation and the percentage of the engine that increases 500 speed by engineering laboratory,
      what does that mean?
      that does not scale with the motors of the main laboratory.
      I give an example:speed of a light hunter in a universe x3 + combustion engine at 8 = 22,500Speed
      of a light hunter in a universe x3 + combustion engine to 8 + engineer engine to 5 = 25,000
      That is in principle the idea of this structure, I must say that it is a very large company, that each ship would consist of about ten or 15 different investigations

      Loading capacity
      Fast fires (rapid fire with all the ships that can be)
      , rapid fire to defensive systemsIn addition these investigations vary according to the ship, a small cargo ship will have an improved load capacity with respect to the other ships that are not used for that, the large cargo ship will have more capacity than the small cargo but the speed if you want to improve it It will be smaller than that of the small cargo ship since it is a heavier ship.It is a very big and very difficult job, if you give me support to carry it out this will not be examples, I will start to put all the technologies of the ships and the uploads of each of them.

      The purpose of this structure is to give more dynamism to the game as well as attract new users and that or play a more succulent game for everyone. He said nothing about the defensive system but bit the defense in the bag.

      Esta idea la he cogido de un compañero del foro español de dejo aquí su nombre y la propuesta inicial:

      Esta estructura se encarga de añadir a las naves nuevas mejoras de ingenieria, ya sea en sus armas, motores, integridad de la nave, capacidad de carga.

      Esa sería la información de la estructura. Ahora paso a lo gordo...

      Esta estructura se encarga de aumentar motores, armas, capacidad; en optimizar la nave. Dado que la función de esta estructura no es producir si no investigar nuevas tecnologías aplicadas directamente a las naves considero que esta estructura debería estar en la sección instalaciones, justo al lado del laboratorio de investigación.

      En dicha instalación nos encontraríamos con las fotos de las naves del juego, pulsamos la foto de la nave que queremos optimizar y entras en una nueva página como cuando tocas una nave y sale el cartel de producir. En esa nuevo cartel te salen diferentes opciones, motor, armas, capacidad de carga, fuego rápido con una nave en concreto, etc, etc; además de a que nivel lo tenemos. Como es costumbre en este juego, no habrá límite de nivel, eso si la proporción no puede ser muy elevada y según la nave que sea costará subir algunos de los factores más o menos.
      Por ejemplo:
      Nivel uno de motor de cazador ligero: 200.000 Cristal 75.000 de deuterio duración: pues lo que suele tardar una investigación al nivel 1 y el tanto por ciento del motor que sube 500 de velocidad por laboratorio de ingeniería, ¿eso que quiere decir? que no escala con los motores del laboratorio principal.
      Pongo un ejemplo:
      velocidad de un cazador ligero en un universo x3 + motor de combustión al al 8= 22.500
      Velocidad de un cazador ligero en un universo x3 + motor de combustión al 8 + motor de ingeniero al 5= 25.000
      Eso es en principio la idea de esta estructura, he de decir que se trata de una empresa muy grande, que cada nave constaría de unas diez o 15 investigaciones diferentes
      Capacidad de carga
      Consumo de deuterio
      Fuegos rápido ( fuego rápido con todas las naves que pueden haber), fuego rápido a sistemas defensivos
      Estructura de la nave
      Además estas investigaciones varia según la nave, una nave pequeña de carga tendrá una capacidad de carga mejorada con respecto a las otras naves que no sirven para eso, la nave grande de carga tendrá más capacidad de carga que la pequeña pero la velocidad si queréis mejorarla será menor que la de la nave pequeña de carga dado que es una nave más pesada.
      Es un trabajo muy grande y muy difícil, si me dan apoyo para llevarlo a cabo ésto no serán ejemplos, empezaré a poner todas las tecnologías de las naves y las subidas de cada una de ellas.

      La finalidad de esta estructura es darle más dinanismo al juego además de captar nuevos usuarios y que ogame sea un juego más suculento para todos. No he dicho nada del sistema defensivo pero podríamos meter la defensa en el saco.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by TGWo ().

    • Your idea sound interesting, but there are 2 principal problems:
      1) that you said nothing about how I could find information about your ship. Actually I can spy your planet and find levels of researches, so I have all informations (speed of ships, shield, attack,...)
      2) maybe should be very hard to have a simulation adding so many variabiles, and also to rewrite engine of combat system. Personally I never liked a lot that with simulation tool you are very near to know at 100% result of combat still before to start , but in other hand I'm sure a lot of players like this situation and don't have a good simulation decrease number of attack and increase distance between who have a big fleet and other.

      I like idea could "manage" ships (in same way should have sene to could manage defences).

    • Where the ships that the enemy has come from, aim with the pointer and leave.

      the second would be to update the ai and it automatically detects the technologies of the ships without the need for those that are not

      or simply create a new section with engineering technologies.

      with this structure probably hear me do a new update to the game, guys, we would be talking about the ogame 7.0

      The post was edited 2 times, last by petete_makin ().

    • to receive the info only when you are attacked don't help to organize an attack.

      But could be interesting that in normal way you are able to receive an not exact info about this new tecnology, while you are able to see when fleet is near your planet (and of course viceversa for who attack) ......... this sound a revolution ^^ . Many players don't like revolution , LOL