Is there anyone here that knows about math (and probably about programming) that would be interested to discuss in depth (at least deeper than what I've seen in the last few years) about how to choose what to build at each moment of time to get the “ideal” order?
Ideally people that have already been years with mines in mind, and that at least know the subject enough to understand the “basics”, e.g., amortisation, etc. But the idea is to put a few more variables into play.
I tried to contact benneb (since he is a quite high ranked player, playing for many years, plus is in charge —in theory— of the script InfoCompte), but to no avail.
I have ideas in mind but don't know enough math enough to calculate things (or can't find a soution with what I know), plus I don't know how to program
Is there anyone here that knows about math (and probably about programming) that would be interested to discuss in depth (at least deeper than what I've seen in the last few years) about how to choose what to build at each moment of time to get the “ideal” order?
Ideally people that have already been years with mines in mind, and that at least know the subject enough to understand the “basics”, e.g., amortisation, etc. But the idea is to put a few more variables into play.
I tried to contact benneb (since he is a quite high ranked player, playing for many years, plus is in charge —in theory— of the script InfoCompte), but to no avail.
I have ideas in mind but don't know enough math enough to calculate things (or can't find a soution with what I know), plus I don't know how to program
