Alliance Diplomacy and Territorial Control

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Alliance Diplomacy and Territorial Control

      What I'm about to propose is actually two suggestions;

      Alliance Diplomacy:

      The thing is, Ogame is too player-focused and alliances have absences like in-game diplomacy. I think there should be some diplomacy options between alliances:

      1)Alliance Pact:
      This pact will be signed to make an alliance your ally and will allow the players from these two alliances to hold on each others' planets to help with defense.
      There will be no honorable fights between allies, even if the defender is a bandit. This pact also enables players of each alliance to support upgrades of each other.

      2)Non Aggression Pact:
      Unlike alliance pact, this pact does not allow players from the two alliances to defend each other.
      If there is a non aggression pacy between two alliances, there will be no honorable battles, even if the defender is a bandit.

      While all other diplomatic agreements require both side to accept, this is a deceleration of war and will start as soon as it's declared, ending after certain time.
      When two alliances are in war, there will be no dishonorable fights until the war ends.

      This will be the pact to end a war immediately before it expires. When a truce is signed all normal battle rules are restored.

      Territorial Control:

      This is probably an unusual suggestion but I think it will make the game a whole lot more interesting:

      Alliance Influence: This is a new point system that gives members of an alliance certain boosts like resource production, research speed, shipyard and building speed etc.

      There should be bases in every system and alliances should be able to capture and control them, these bases will add to the alliance influence which will at certain levels give all the members of that alliance certain boosts like resource production, amour/shield/weapon boosts, research/building/shipyard speed boosts and so on. An alliance influence high-score page can also be added. There will be a limit to the bases an alliance can control. These bases can also have types like resource extraction sites, military depots and research outposts:

      Resource Extraction Sites:
      These Bases will produce resources while adding to the alliance influence, every member will be able to collect these resources, at a limit, of course. With every new level of this base, only production rate will increase.

      Military Depot:
      These bases can be used to produce ships and packed defense systems to take to a planet or base and unpack into a stationary defense system. The time to build defenses and fleets will shorten with every level of this base while time to unpack defenses doesn't change.

      Research Outpost:
      This base will allow players to conduct basic and advances research on itself instead of their own labs, on a higher speed. Every new level of this building will enable higher level researches and will shorten research times.

      Upgrades of these bases will be made by sending resource from players of that alliance and it's allies.

      Alliance depot changes:
      Let's face it, it's completely useless and no one uses it. How about turning it into an embassy which enables players to found alliances, get the alliance advantages listed above and have the ability to have an allied fleet holding, while keeping the ability to feed fuel to the holding fleets. With every level of the embassy, the maximum number of holding ships and fleets will increase. The number of bases an alliance can control will also increase proportionally with the total level of that alliance's embassies.

      Anything can be modified, removed or added to the suggestion up there, it's just a suggestion after all. :)