Robotics Factory to Industrial Complex

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Robotics Factory to Industrial Complex

      Hi guys ... since I noticed that Robotics Factories, in late game, are quite useless (in fact, nobody upgrades them beyond lv.10) I was wondering: why not to make them more useful ?

      A big, planetary-sized industrial complex that provides all the buildings needed to an industrialized world: refineries and factories work night and day to build all the resources needed to a growing empire, from robotic workers to high value refined materials [...]

      - Reduce the time taken to construct building.
      - Increase Metal, Crystal and Deuterium production by 0,5% per level.

      This way, by having a lv.20 Industrial Complex you'll have a +10% on Metal, Crystal e Deuterium productions on that planet. Having lv.22 means you'll have +11% and the costs grow higher every time ... so its quite useless to upgrade it beyond lv.20 but, at same time, its useful enough to make players want it on their planets and not dismantle it.
    • I don't like idea to add a new effect in production.
      Instead could be a possibile idea that increasing level of robots , increase efficiency of nanite , or of laboratory (also if this sound more strange to justify it).

      When i talk about efficiency I want to say that for example robots over level 10 don't only continue to have their normal effect, but also add a -2% of reducing time of nanite (actually stopped to -50%) or add a moltiplicator effect in levels of laboratory (maybe +10% at level ......... so at level 20 of robots if you have 10 planets with laboratory at level 15 , instead to have a total of 150 , you will have an effect of 300 or more).

      Maybe could be possible also a combination of 2 ideas and for even levels there is effect in nanite and odd levelsthere is effect in laboratory

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • TGWo wrote:

      When i talk about efficiency I want to say that for example robots over level 10 don't only continue to have their normal effect, but also add a -2% of reducing time of nanite (actually stopped to -50%) or add a moltiplicator effect in levels of laboratory (maybe +10% at level ......... so at level 20 of robots if you have 10 planets with laboratory at level 15 , instead to have a total of 150 , you will have an effect of 300 or more).
      I really like that. The idea would be to make it worth over level 10, and turn that building into more a late game required feature