Questions regarding possible script dev

    • Questions regarding possible script dev

      Hi all,

      I'm planning to develop a few scripts in the next weeks and I have a few questions.

      First, I know it's allowed to store and display resources (not the same way empire view do) but is it allowed to use production to update values periodically (like every page load) without having user going to the planet ?

      Second, Is that allowed to create a function to store and "mark" cr reports, for example marking a SR as "attacked" ?

      Third, Are quick links allowed ? Like when you have store a construction on a planet, double click brings you to the page to start the construction.

      I'm sorry if this questions had been answered, I had a look and didn't find a precise answer.



      The post was edited 1 time, last by Adadov ().

    • Adadov wrote:

      First, I know it's allowed to store and display resources (not the same way empire view do) but is it allowed to use production to update values periodically (like every page load) without having user going to the planet ?
      Well you can't imitate any of premium feature. Something similar to empire view is also no go.

      Adadov wrote:

      Second, Is that allowed to create a function to store and "mark" cr reports, for example marking a SR as "attacked" ?

      Adadov wrote:

      Third, Are quick links allowed ? Like when you have store a construction on a planet, double click brings you to the page to start the construction.
      Well some yes, some not,depends for what is that quick link. In this case which you mentioned, yes, allowed.

      Adadov wrote:

      Is that allowed to make an alerting system, not automatic or using notifications, but something alerting you on page load at a certain time. User will be forced to reload the page and it will be a div on the page only.
      Well, generally no, but with some modifications yes. This is tricky.
      No notifications on external, friendly & hostile mission.It would be best if you make me a list with what you want to alert and i will put ok/no, best excel table. Important: in any case, player MUST manually reload the page to get info/notification.
      Etc. legal action would be: alert for finished construction, but with manually refreshed page and it will work only when you are on that tab.
      Keep in mind that there are players who play multiple universes, and alerts from all universes are little too much.
      My suggestion is not to implement. I have said now its ok, but there is review phase of your tool, and if i conclude than that is not good function to have approved, that your tool gets rejected.
      You can ask anything, maybe even better on private message on board.