Laser Technology to boost Satellite Power Production

    • Research

    • Laser Technology to boost Satellite Power Production

      As the title says: we could have the laser technology to boost Satellite's Power Production. Let's say 2% per level (so we'll have +40% on lvl.20).

      Its a good research for medium level players, as it helps keeping down the number of satellites per planet (so you'll need less resource to rebuild and you'll create less debris if attacked).
      Its also useful for Gravitonic, but it doesn't help that much: considering the costs, a player is going to save about 30% with a laser tech lvl.15, otherwise the resources you saved wont cover the higher costs.

      It also gives players a reason to upgrade that technology, and it makes sense, since satellites use laser beams to redirect the power to the planets.
    • That was the idea: cause, let's be honest, satellites don't really costs that much to justify such a research. Its a defensive research as it helps keeping low the number of satellites per planet, making your colonies less interesting for crashers/farmers.

      Also, attacking a planet just for the debris of satellites is quite a gash, so I'm for deterring such a behavior.

      The only way it could be bad is for gravi-downs but, considering the new detroid items, I don't think there's still someone out there to crash that way.
    • Yeah, graviton is just a matter of gathering items from import/export. The increase is also not over the top for normal use cases (2000 instead of 2600 sats per planet for example in my case). But it would significantly reduce the costs of high terraformer levels.
      If the increase would be rounded up it could make solar sats a better helper on planets on pos 15. Like jumping from 1 energy per sat to 2. Might save consumption of the fusion reactor, but still not over the top. Nice suggestion.
    • There are currently an estimated amount of 175 suggestion threads. With 65 different ideas in total. Not wanting to sound like the idea is bad, but: The devs, similar to us mortal board users, might only post a reply if they have something to contribute to the idea, be it positive or negative. With many suggestions in the pipeline they might also want us board members to refine the ideas until they can judge at one glance whether it might be good to implement.
    • currently energy is balanced. sats are something to smash but fairly cheap. they allow you to progress faster at the price of fragility. fusion is capable of making enormous energy, for anyone getting ritually sat crashed. (and there's a tech for it.) laser tech needs something, but something better.
      Dor - Cygnus - En