Graviton, higher levels

    • Research

    • Graviton, higher levels

      Hi everyone,
      Here is another idea for the higher levels of graviton

      Graviton is the particle of gravitation. On our moon, the gravity is six times lower than our planet, which causes worries of displacement, equilibrium, etc ..... Knowing that the higher the gravity, the more the bodies will be under pressure, and more they may deform under the effect of the said gravity (imagine for a moment that one finds oneself under a gravity two times greater than that of our planet, imagine the damage).

      Therefore, why not assume that the gravity of our planet is different from that of our adversaries. It could therefore be assumed that the difference in severity could lead to various concerns.

      My idea would be that the higher the level of graviton, the more difficult the enemies would be in our atmosphere. Therefore, I would suggest that each level of graviton could reduce the damage inflicted by an enemy by 1% (or 2% or 5%, ..... it is to see).

      Of course, insofar as our colonies are in contact with each other, we imagine that they are arranged so that the gravity on each planet is more or less equivalent and therefore we would not suffer any discomfort on our own colonies.

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      Le graviton est la particule de la gravitation. Sur notre lune, la gravité y est 6 fois inférieure à notre planète, ce qui entraîne des soucis de déplacement, d'équilibre, etc..... Sachant que plus la gravité est élevée plus les corps subiront une pression importante, et plus ils risquent de se déformer sous l'effet de ladite gravité (imaginons un instant que l'on se retrouve sous une gravité 2 fois supérieure à celle de notre planète, imaginez les dégâts).

      Dès lors, pourquoi ne pas partir du principe que la gravité de notre planète est différente de celle de nos adversaires. On pourrait donc supposer que la différence de gravité pourrait entraîner divers soucis.

      Mon idée serait que plus on boosterait le niveau du graviton, plus les ennemis auraient de difficultés dans notre atmosphère. Par conséquent, je proposerais donc que chaque niveau de graviton pourrait réduire les dégâts infligés par un ennemi de 1% (ou 2% ou 5%, ..... c'est à voir).

      Bien entendu, dans la mesure où nos colonies sont en contact entre elles, on imagine qu'elles s'arrangent pour que la gravité sur chaque planète soit plus ou moins équivalente et donc nous ne subirions aucun désagrément sur nos propres colonies.
    • We can all agree that MD missions are a big problem in fast fleet universes not because of the security of the fleet save but for the very moon. We invest many days and weeks to build up a moon and he disappeared in a couple of hours while we sleep. In x1 speed unis its ok, but x4, x5 have big problems. In the topic above some1 suggested that we should reduce speed of deathstarbut is it not a bit illogical to reduce the speed of ships in fast universes? MD formula is also good (i would say) but why not give players a chance to increase this formula?

      Let me explain in more detail. Graviton tech (like hyperspace tech and lasers) is useless after lvl 1. We can make graviton tech and „moon power“ useful at the same time. How?
      „Graviton tech creates a defensive graviton field around your moon. Every next lvl of graviton tech improves your moon chance to survive MD missions by 3%“ (lets say 3% but can be less or more...up to ogame to decide...also this % boost counts on lvl 2 and after...graviton lvl 1 is only for deathstar).
      This way you can solve: 1. „moon power“ problem and 2. graviton tech uselessnes after lvl 1

      moon size: 8660. If you send 5 RIPs right now your MD chance is 15.52% With graviton lvl 2 that would be 12.52% It would be small but helpfull change. We can also use same % increase in „RIPs will be destroyed“ chance so instead of 46.53% chance it would be 49.53% chance (with graviton lvl 2)...

      ^^^^^My friend's 2 cents on the matter as well. We are all in agreement that it is a solid improvement to help players in speed universes deal with some of the top fleeters and their ability to blow moons at will.