Honor points

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    • Honor points

      The ability to spend honor points. I have hundreds of thousands in some unis, and millions in others. I have no practical use for it except for import/ auctioneer. When I have millions and im only spending 1k a day, its not very practical. So why not have the ability to spend honor points on things? boosters, merchant, res, half timing, relocations. Really anything as it does not have a good use now.
    • you proposed to have opportunity to buy existing type of items using honour points.

      And I said that idea don't sound bad.

      Then I add an other idea: actually first 3 position has a special rank, but this rank give nothing in real. So I proposed that instead any kind of rank give a special bonus, special power ........ and that this bonus/power consume honour points for hour or any time you active it.

      An example of bonus could be an increment in production, or a special power could be a change in rapid fire

    • KeVLaR wrote:

      The ability to spend honor points. I have hundreds of thousands in some unis, and millions in others. I have no practical use for it except for import/ auctioneer. When I have millions and im only spending 1k a day, its not very practical. So why not have the ability to spend honor points on things? boosters, merchant, res, half timing, relocations. Really anything as it does not have a good use now.

      This may sound really good but it has a dangerous downside:
      It may (and probably will) push Top Players to attack colonies just to kill defences, even without gain. It already happens sometimes, I wouldn't support an idea to justify this. It's like having "Defences to Debris".
    • AvengerOne wrote:

      KeVLaR wrote:

      The ability to spend honor points. I have hundreds of thousands in some unis, and millions in others. I have no practical use for it except for import/ auctioneer. When I have millions and im only spending 1k a day, its not very practical. So why not have the ability to spend honor points on things? boosters, merchant, res, half timing, relocations. Really anything as it does not have a good use now.
      This may sound really good but it has a dangerous downside:
      It may (and probably will) push Top Players to attack colonies just to kill defences, even without gain. It already happens sometimes, I wouldn't support an idea to justify this. It's like having "Defences to Debris".
      And losing points if there is no gain when attacking? It could maybe reduce this downside, no? Just an idea.
    • Well, you do gain honor points from defense that is dedtroyed and not rebuild. A few attacks with deathstars on turtles can easily get you a few hundred thousand.
      I only think of positive hobor points as a buffer to use up with non honorable attacks until your back to 0. There's already the 75% loot you got each time you build up your positive hp.
    • Honor points were a great idea, but it's stuck, they need a fine tuning. They don't represent real “honor” when attacking (there are certain situations in which attackers can get huge amounts of positive honor points while being shitty players in that “honor” sense, and in the same sense, loosing honor when a battle is actually honourable, e.g., and example I know personally top 1 and top 3 militar against “real” enemy top 2, and they lost quite a big number). I believe the original idea was to offer a measurable way of deciding what was a good battle that required skill and “good” behaviour, but they are not perfectly given in all situations, and also the benefits / problems of being honourable / dishonourable are not correctly fit.

      I don't like the particular idea of this thread (trade honour points for resources), and I think if there was a discussion about what to tweak we could find much better benefits (and penalties for those that have negative honour) that would indeed incentive the nice behaviour and reduce the amount of “abuse”.

      I haven't ever thought deeply into this, but a first thought may be loosing more fleet, or loosing less fleet for honourable (with the recent change, having bigger wreckfields, and even wreckfields in enemy planet)...
      But this should be changed together with a change in the way honour points are given. Otherwise the behaviour would persist.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Minion ().

    • List of possible benefits of honor points:

      The most important thing is that the available bonus shouldnt be available with dark matter.

      • 1)The first three players in the honor ranking get a boost in battle tehnologies. 1st player: +3 level, 2nd player +2 level, 3rd player +1 level. And the last three get -1 level
      • 2)Someone mentioned rapidfire bonus. Sounds great.
      • 3)The first three players use less deut ( x 0.5 for first, x 0.7 for second, x 0.9 for third)
      • 4)The first three players always have 3-2-1 when calling the resource trader.
      • 5)Possibilty to change 10 honor points for 1 small fighter or 1 small transporter
      • 6)Possibilty to change 5 honor points to 1 small laser or 1 rocket launcher
      • 7)You can use honor points for leaving vacation mode even if 48h havent passed (100k honor points)

      Perhaps some suggestions are overpowered but why not ?

      Give us anything :D