Channels in Chat

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Channels in Chat

      Hi, I want to start out by saying: " :hsheep: this game has changed in the last 6 years!!! GREAT JOB!!!"
      Now on topic...
      I've been playing for a couple weeks now and began making my Ogame friends again. So I noticed the fancy little chat that was never in the old OGame. :) I love it. However I'd love to see a feature that the leaders can create channels in this chat. I've found several times logging in and finding 100+ messages. How do we know if any of them were important or if it was just banter? Would this be a realistic idea that could be integrated? Maybe limit the amount of channels (even just 1 additional would be awesome) as to save space on the servers or whatnot. Thank you for your time and consideration and keep up the GREAT work!