
    • Usability

    • After a conversation ill find a percentage of my ideas are flawed or ignorant. that's how it goes. say what you think. I realize a lot of addons can fix small hiccups and js bloat in interface, but the stand alone game should still play well enough and be free of easily corrected flaws.

      Interface & Performance

      Faster page loads: I used to always use mobile version, thinking it would be faster. at one point i realized they both loaded equally fast and just went back to regular version. maybe ill try mobile again and time them. My load time for all pages is 1-4 seconds. With 2 being the average.

      Extended DB locks: sometimes you refresh game after being away and it takes 5-10 seconds to load with a message about site being down. I only notice this about 1-2 times a month. pretty rare. It's a clue to a performance hit: the fleet updater constantly running on players' time.

      Faster fleet sending: can fleet screen be a single screen, or at least not 3 separate forms. just validate with db on the final form submission. It feels like we're being deliberately slowed down and validated step by step. if you have to slow us down to authenticate fleet action then how about not as severely. ADDITION: immobilize fleets 5 seconds after a mission returns or after deploy lands. beats having to wait 5-8 seconds of page loads to send each fleet.

      Fleet forms kick you back to beginning if you refresh another tab, if theres certain fleet events and sometimes inexplicably. Please fix. If it has to kick you then it should remember your original input on page=fleet1 [including target coords]

      User option: disable auto page refreshes. When you queue an item and it finishes, the page refreshes. when the page is refreshing, the interface hangs and you have to wait. Sometimes you have to recall a fleet extremely fast and youre in fleet screen (?page=movement) but its hanging because fleets are landing and its auto refreshing. i see the recall links, im trying to click, but it doesnt register my clicks while refresh is happening. fleet screen is useless when you have mass probe missions going out. (my solution is to use the pull out fleet screen atop all pages, but i dont like that one.)

      Toggle off JS form validation. I dont want js to validate my input every keyup. let me type what i want to and validate on server end like you already do. not a security issue. take fleet1 screen. you click a field to edit it and it auto clears the field for you. really annoying when youre editing numbers and forced to retype it everytime. Sometimes the last unit field you entered gets reset to "" empty string when you click outside of form area [at jump gate]. [it just happened in page=fleet1 and i did nothing unordinary. luckily i found out by the lower fuel used in fleet2.] if your number exceeds the amount of units, it sets your input to the max you have: if you accidentally add an extra digit, instead of backspacing the extra char, you have to retype the field.


      Count team chat as unread message, not as unread conversation. the new team chat feature is inaccessible: it makes team mates angry when its used. you think youre getting a pm when team chat is used.

      Asyncronous button to clear all notifications of unread messages/conversations. Currently to clear unread conversations you have to click the talk bubble then click the convo. two clicks through the laggiest part of the game (the message system). about 5-8 seconds of stopping what youre doing whenever theres a new conversation item. i tell ppl, get on discord or leave me alone : (

      Button to delete all unshared messages.

      Button to delete all unshared messages older than 24 hours.

      I noticed messages load much much faster if you delete all in messages tab. i guess we're supposed to get commander, favorite stuff we like and just delete all every day. i would delete all twice a day except i liek to have logs from last 24 hours, especially when trades are happening. and i like sharing reports. We shouldnt't have to favorite lots of stuff to clear out messages effectively.

      Not confirmed, but i believe when you share a spy report the enemy can tell because their incoming spied message doesnt get deleted as fast as regular messages. (shared reports arent deleted as fast true? so incoming report is getting that effect as well.)


      Cooldown on vacation mode. should check on exiting AND entering. if you come out of vmode there should be x hours till you can go back in. If you want some kind of auto-fleetsave there's better ways of doing it.

      Two new fleet speeds: 5% and 2%. will make fsing fleets much cheaper and much much easier to get a deploy that works for you. right now you gotta plan your life around what deploy saves ogame allows you. note: 2% speed in-system might be op. 5% would definitely be fair and doesnt affect fuel used on attack.

      Lower the minimum build time of units from 1 sec to <1 sec. (Build 2 lf per second with enough nanites.) With increasing resource rates of unis, it's a pending update.

      Simplify destruction of probes on counter espionage. To save server resources, dont run a full battle everytime someone loses a couple of probes spying. Legit use of the spy option won't yield interesting battles. At least 90% of my combats are counter espionage.
      Dor - Cygnus - En

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Dor: removed part about fleet1 js, auto scroll down. found remedy for it. ().

    • Dor wrote:

      User option: disable auto page refreshes. When you queue an item and it finishes, the page refreshes. when the page is refreshing, the interface hangs and you have to wait. Sometimes you have to recall a fleet extremely fast and youre in fleet screen (?page=movement) but its hanging because fleets are landing and its auto refreshing. i see the recall links, im trying to click, but it doesnt register my clicks while refresh is happening. fleet screen is useless when you have mass probe missions going out. (my solution is to use the pull out fleet screen atop all pages, but i dont like that one.)

      Cooldown on vacation mode. should check on exiting AND entering. if you come out of vmode there should be x hours till you can go back in. If you want some kind of auto-fleetsave there's better ways of doing it.
      Disabling auto page refresh on returned fleet or finished building sounds really good.

      Cooldown until next v mode can be entered is never going to be implemented. We have a dozen or so threads over in the german board, always with someone coming up with this idea, always answered with a clear no. Something important happens in real life right after you left v mode, no time to fleet save and your done.
    • RE: VM cooldown: good info. to those arguing for pop out and back into vm. If you can vm you can launch fleet, fuel allowed. vming might be nicer, but if you jsut came out of vmode, you have to sacrifice the safety of the mechanic for 24 hours. Part of the game is losing your fleet from lack of planning. should be good with slower speed options, 5%.
      Dor - Cygnus - En
    • You do not plan things like the decease of a family member. But discussing the suggestion regarding the v mode is moot. Only stating the response of mods to this topic, mind you.
      Can't remember the response to the idea of new fleet speeds right now, but there's a topic about it in the german board as well.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lilith ().

    • Dor wrote:

      Two new fleet speeds: 5% and 2%. will make fsing fleets much cheaper and much much easier to get a deploy that works for you. right now you gotta plan your life around what deploy saves ogame allows you. note: 2% speed in-system might be op. 5% would definitely be fair and doesnt affect fuel used on attack.
      I don't like ........... In this way you have a semplification of game because become more easy organize fleetsave

    • my idea of vm is if you come out and attack, youre stuck out and vulnerable. That's totally fair and will massively increase targets. Theres so many ways to balance and accommodate, like allowing x number of vm activations per interval, or allowing limited emergency activations.

      I agree 2% might make FSing too easy. but 5% has more pros than cons.

      lower C mine cost multiplier 1.6 =>1.5. in cygnus i make almost 4 metal to 1 crystal and upgrading metal mines still paysback better. i have to merch metal into crystal though. [except it wouldnt be backwards compatible for already built mines. better to raise crystal production.]

      wondering why plasma favors metal. the bonus is a percent and will scale to the production rate. plasma adds too much metal to the game.

      this might be done already, but if you run fleet updates asyncronously and intelligently from the client it'll be kept up with. im assuming most fleet updates are happening when someone reloads. the equivalent of all players leaving page=movement open and having it refresh when something happens. except theres no refreshing. player wont notice.

      ADDED: mock up of singular fleet screen:
      Dor - Cygnus - En

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Dor ().


      Expedite creation of fake activity on one's own bases: asyncronous buttons to make all your moons starred, or all your planets starred, and maybe a way to affect individual bases.

      Enemy can watch you from galaxy. Its necessary to throw in fake activity: selecting planet/moon to make it starred. Sometimes my entire raiding sessions ill keep all moons active every 15 minutes.

      How are we supposed to star our own planets? what i do is select merchant page or a fast loading page, then middle click all moons and planets to be affected. making tabs to them. then close all tabs. i cant load other web sites while the 12-24 tabs are loading even if i close them. My browser goes down for 7-10 seconds while i star my stuff. havent looked closely at whats happening. I hope it doesnt affect others on my web connection.



      The ogame client has too many robust features that dont help. too many things are javascript based so bugginess is normal when the browser lags. buttons fail occassionally; i notice after 5 seconds i need to click again; i sit there thinking it's lag. occassionally html hyperlinks don't work. an auto page refresh in progress does it, but also JS/browser lag might be causing it.

      Fans of the pbbg genre expect text, webforms, low bandwidth and low system usage, ie game speed. html based games run really fast. 0.5-1 second page loads on a good server, everything scaled nicely. html has very good standards making it reliable. When you venture into robust js/ajax, you cant blame the user for having a slow computer. Browser itself ends up as bottleneck during heavy js. You're submitting forms via js. we're unnecessarily relying on js and the form submission hangs whenever user has js & browser type bottlenecks. note: most of the time the button works and will kick in whenever the js catches up. I'll wager if it was a normal submit button it would hang only 10% as much.

      Current JS-based submit button from fleet1:

      Source Code

      1. <a id="continue"
      2. class="off"
      3. href=""
      4. onClick="trySubmit(); return false;">
      5. <span>Next</span>
      6. </a>

      JS that tries to be html: ditch it, its unstable. give us real submit buttons.

      JS totally on client side thats there to help the user: let us turn it off. this includes the auto refreshing.

      Ajax thats talks to server and updates game: thats awesome and makes game feel alive and exciting. I like knowing immediately when im attacked. i wonder how it works with multiple tabs. i hope background tabs arent each checking for incoming attacks.

      I turned off all addons and im in 1 tab. The game is noticeably faster. i set a 60 second timer and refreshed fleet1 repeatedly. making sure page was done loading each time. 41 refreshes, meaning 1.46 second page loads, or better. (this is right after a performance update on 25th.)

      I know more tabs makes lag, i use them with care. not sure about addons. I play without addons sometimes and don't notice difference.
      Dor - Cygnus - En

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Dor ().

    • This thread is kinda scary. Trying to keep it in one place.

      - The fleet update code takes an extra refresh to update displays. eg when you complete attack and watch from galaxy, the galaxy viewer cant remove attack crosshairs and add star in same refresh. sometimes you refresh screen certainly after ships reinforce a location, and it takes an extra refresh to see the additional ships. some have claimed there's lag and recyclers dont work 1 second after your hit, on occasion. to anyone affected by this kind of lag, a possible fix is rapidly refreshing while important things are happening. ie if recs are 1 second behind fleet, try refreshing galaxy during that second to make sure updates happen. it's a theory.

      - fleets in page:movement need fallback sorting method. currently missions are sorted only by arrival/return, so acs fleets that happen same time get shuffled up every refresh. i recall my slowing probes and dont want to recall main fleet on accident. This will add creation time as fallback sort.
      ORDER BY arrival_time ASC => ORDER BY arrival_time ASC, fleet_id ASC

      - when you post new private message it shows your own time stamp until you refresh again. i turned off addons and restared and its not that. i remember putting my timezone into main game at one point but i cant find the field in options at the moment. wasn't there a dropdown in options?

      - [Deleted]
      Dor - Cygnus - En

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Dor ().