Sharing Attacks Events

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Sharing Attacks Events

      Hi, so my idea was to players getting attacked being able to share all the incoming attack's events with some other player, the reason why:
      I've seen a lot of players going to help someone and because the other person faked the number of ships the attacker had, etc, they get crashed (I know, disgusting thing to do, but people do it) and I fell like players know that and sometimes they decide not to help.

      Info to share (example):
      1. Attackers nick;
      2. Planet of Origin;
      3. Time that the attack hits;
      4. Total number of ships;
      5. Number of individual ships (just the exact thing that appears on fleets events).
      1. More Ninjas
      2. More mutual aid;
      3. Many more.
      I made a visual graphic of what it could look like (new button on the side of planets coordinates):
      Ogame Fleet Counter:
      Chrome Addon
      Firefox Addon
      Opera Addon

      The post was edited 2 times, last by gei ().