Raids and bosses

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    • Raids and bosses

      Hello all,
      I'm not new to Origin's board and I've been playin Ogame since 2006 (so I'm quite an old player), but now I decided to register and write a post to explain this idea which should be a way to both get more player and encourage the old player not to leave, and in addition, to make alliance system more interesting.

      My idea is based on some post i've read, which was asking to implement a way to attack those player who are in v-mode, increasing the amount of target that player have, and on a common strategy used in quite a lot games on every platforms.

      I named this thread "Raids and bosses" because i'm thinking a system where the game can solo-spawn, around the universe, some "planet" which can be the target for an attack.
      This planet can have both fleets, resources, item, and everything that can be considered a bonus to those who attack it and, of course, it will be defended by a bunker or something like that. The "bunker" works as the difficulty of the "raid" so, when someone wants to "engage the fight", he has to check if his fleet is big enought to win.

      I'm tryng to explain better the mechanic:

      Once a day (for example), in a random cords, spawn a planet, which can be spied and attacked exactly as other planets, but this one is not controlled by a player and the amount of resources or fleet in it is predeterminated (depending on how old is the sistem etc.).
      In my mind, the bunker must be so strong and not easy to be defeated at all, which means that player have to ACS it, and here comes the point: I was thinking on a system that let this planet be attacked only with ACS including people of the same alliance, creating a sort of competition between alliances. (remembering the limit of player that can join an ACS)
      Defeating the planet, seen as a "boss" or as a "raid", give to those who did it some different bonuses (resources, fleets, debris, etc).

      (The fleet lost during the fight, of course is lost)

      The planets, once attacked and defeated, should be removed so only one "raid" can get the bonuses.

      I hope that you got my idea, so I can list which may be the advantages of this implementation:

      - First of all, i think that the idea of a spawn of random planet is not that hard to imagine, since GF's already doing something similar with the event of planets in the 17th position; the difference would be that those spawn would not be limited to a period but would be persistent.

      - Nowdays, almost every successful game has a system of raids, this means that idea is not that bad and I think that it must be considered (see next point)

      - This system encourage players to build up a fleet, making all the game more interesting because when there are a lot of fleet, there can be a lot of crashes.

      - Because of the previous point, the "full miner" player can still exist but will of couse have less relevance, since full miners would not be competitive against those "bunker".

      In order to list disadvantages, i was thinking only at one possible problem, which is the possibility of generatin an alliance with, for example, the whole top 5 fleet, which get all the "raids", but being in the top 5 won't means that you are always ready to move your ships and, for sure, won't means that the top 6-100 is not strong enough to defeat the boss.

      - In those universes where top 1-5 fleet is so much stronger that others, this idea can be a problem, so a way to solve is to put this "innovation" only to the new servers or invent an algorithm that scales the bunker with the strength of the ACS.

      I think that I said everything I had in mind and I'm sorry for my bad english, did my best. :pump:
      Thanks for reading and I'm here to reply if some point figures out.

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      Example: :lol:

      Top 1 has 1.000.000 point (1Milion)

      Top 1 fleet has 500.000 military point

      Bunker's boss composition:
      1.000.000 point in defences
      500.000 point in fleet

      So, imagin that 5 player ACS the planet, they can get 500.000 * X0% in debris, so imaging on a 30% debris universe, the gain would be 500.000*0.30=150.000 points

      Of course, this is only a sample, but it shows how defeating a "boss" can give you bonuses (considering in that case that you can pick up debris)

      Of course there can be a different method to get the bonus resource.
    • A problem that i see in your idea, is that this target is balanced for top players not for any player
      In other words seen you are introducing new targets that at 99% will be new resources and fun for only an elite of players (that already is bigger that other) , while for an other part of players nothing will change or still more hard to increase in highscore.

      A possible solution could be to have different spawn planet for rank ......... a kind of noob protection that allows some planets to be attacked only by those who fall within a certain range of points (such as a planet that can be attacked by those in the top 101-200 but not from the top10)

    • TGWo wrote:

      A problem that i see in your idea, is that this target is balanced for top players not for any player
      In other words seen you are introducing new targets that at 99% will be new resources and fun for only an elite of players (that already is bigger that other) , while for an other part of players nothing will change or still more hard to increase in highscore.

      A possible solution could be to have different spawn planet for rank ......... a kind of noob protection that allows some planets to be attacked only by those who fall within a certain range of points (such as a planet that can be attacked by those in the top 101-200 but not from the top10)
      Yeah, talking with a friend, this problem comes out.
      A solution may be a noob protection, as you are saying, or even a simple scaling effect on rewards, making lower target less appetible to top player.

      For a fast example, there can be rewards scaled on the difficulties, "elite" raids give reward based on top player and for example "rare" raids for another part and so on. This way, a top player would not be so interested on partecipating a rare raid since the reward is low but on the other hand a top 200 could be very interested in doing.

      To be nearer to the game, an elite target could reward the ACS for a x% of the top 1 (just to have way to connect the rewards with the universe age), a rare target with x/2% and a normal target with x/4%. This way, top player won't be interested in getting this x/4%.

      Obviously, this idea have to be perfected, also because i think that it can be a real revolution in game and so it have to be perfect for a better impact (if GF thinks it's good)