Make inactive players attackable before deleting their account

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

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    • Make inactive players attackable before deleting their account

      I would suggest to transform every vacationed account, after 30 - 35 days, into a normal, inactive account.

      That would mean their planets/moons get free to be attacked by everyone, a few days before they get deleted.

      Too many servers get to end, being full of vacancy accounts, with a lot of loot being lost for the active players...

      If you anyway delete an account after x days inactivity, then it would be great to be able to raid their planets before being erased from server.

      e.g. in italian server Tarazed ( i think in maximum 4 weeks that server will be killed by boring gameplay between just a few active top players, and houndreds of good, vacanced accounts that would be great farms and crashes for them, making everyone more active )

      Was talking with a lot of players about that, and everyone, EVERYONE agreed, that this would be a great idea, as a lot of good accounts, get under vacation just because the player doesn't want to play anymore, and not because he will be unavaiable for a couple of days. :cursing:

      Surely this option would give a longer life to those servers, and at least after a serve fusion, that would give new life!

      Think about that, why delete and destroy so much resources and ships without any reason? :/ better delete "empty accounts". :thumbsup: