New special universe with reduced use DM , no free registration, but registration only by keys

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • New special universe with reduced use DM , no free registration, but registration only by keys

      Talking with @DeltaT about a his idea, I decided to use a little part of his idea with an elaboration by me.

      Principal part of idea, common at what deltaT thought , it is to create a new special universe (to decide if at level nation so one for community, or international), where will exist only officials and merchant to use DM (maybe items). This should interested a good amount of players.

      Second part of idea it is how it is possible to access to this universe. Will exist only 2 way:
      1) periodically (any month for example) in any universe you have a rank of how many points any players done in last period (or incrementation % , or points destructed, or any other kind of target) ........ so first 50-100 players can access to special universe. You are not obbligate to play in special universe ....... if you give up, then possibilities will get at next players, etc.
      2) receiving a key after event/contest organized by staff, or after to buy an amount of DM, etc

      Accessing at universe you start a new account. After period fixed (in example after 1 month), if you in your universe aren't more in position that give access, then your account in special universe will be placed in vacation and you will no able to access at special universe; after an other period if you will be again in right position , you will be able to access again at your old account and restart to play.

      Access by key, instead it is with different life (depending in key).

      At end any period, settings of universe could change to be more interesting ........... or random, or decided by staff, or by a poll of players able to access.

      Maybe with this idea, we could have more activity in all universe, because there is a target. And maybe if gameforge will lose money in special universe, will recover in other universe moved by competion.

    • Special server with restrictions to make it fairer would attract players.

      TGWo wrote:

      Accessing at universe you start a new account. After period fixed (in example after 1 month), if you in your universe aren't more in position that give access, then your account in special universe will be placed in vacation and you will no able to access at special universe; after an other period if you will be again in right position , you will be able to access again at your old account and restart to play.
      so you qualify based on points in normal uni. what happens to your account in original normal server if you enter special server?
      Dor - Cygnus - En
    • I don't see it completely, but in any case, +1 for trying to suggest ideas (this board is almost dead by the ways).

      I personally prefer the idea of duplicating accounts. That means that if you have a 200M account somewhere, be able to do things with it. What? No idea. But this suggestion of yours might be interesting.

      My idea (and I think in the end this will eventually happen, similar to mergers that happened after a few years of ogame), is that once you have a 200M account, in a dead universe, the game goes nowhere, but at the same time one doesn't want to risk the account. So I think if one could duplicate his account that would be perfect, that way, one can play freely knowing that he has his account ensured in his origin universe.

      And as a first thought of this, I thought of some league universes, wether national or international, both could happen. Example: they open two universes, just for six months, in one of them no one with more than 150M points can enter, and in the other anyone can enter; people just select their account to be duplicated into one of the leagues, and then they have 6 months of crazy activity where people risk their accounts because if they get destroyed, it doesn't matter, they will be able to log in the next league 6 months later with the same account.

      There are endless possibilities, and also could be done with international leagues (or whatever you want to call).

      There could be a possibility to give rewards in points, so that if in a league you get 100M points extra to an account, somehow you can grow also your original account, keeping the biggest is not possible (too easy to cheat with friends, one hits each other in each universe), but there should be a way.

      Now this sugestion of yours could be the decisive factor of who gets to enter these leagues (or at least some of them). And of course, those leagues could have different characteristics, and may be this reduced dark matter could be one of them.
      Of course, I would go further and suggest the removal of... THE MERCHANT! Which is a truly game changer, I would really love to see an universe without merchant. And nowadays it wouldn't be the most important thing because people spend dark matter elsewhere.
    • leagues,
      im starting to get it. imagine if the whole game worked like this. instead of every server having a few colossal accounts (who suffer from lack of meaty targets) there would be high powered servers with massive battles.

      but the current merge system is good if there were less total universes.

      removing merchant,
      merchant is aweful, it reduces player interaction. but you need it, without it there's no crystal (see below). im not sure why trade rates are 2-1-1 through 3-2-1, but merchant gives you 3/2/1, which overvalues deut.
      Facility typeCost
      Dor - Cygnus - En
    • In my case, I don't hate merchant because it reduces player interaction, but because now everyone can achieve everything, and it actually undervalues crystal an deuterium. Plus now everyone can have any fleet they want, in the past if you saw someone have 2k rips it was quite a lot of hard work to get that crystal and deut and be able to sell the metal.

      Before merchant you couldn't see a fleeter with astro 25, those millions of deut and crystal would need to be better invested in ships that need crystal and deut hehe

      It would be fun to see what form a universe it takes.

      And @Dor I don't understand exactly what is it that “overvalue deut”? If you mean the ratio 3:2:1 alone... I don't think so, if now suddenly the ratio was 3:9:4, it doesn't “overvalue” anything, you just have to adjust your mines to the best possible combination to produce the most in the equivalent ratio. Otherwise, I didn't understand. Or you mean the relation between 2:1:1 and 3:2:1 is what overvalues deuterium (in that case, it overvalues crystal, right? plus not all communities work like that, in spain we have the minimum of 2:1.5:1)
    • Minion i agree with what you posted.

      about the rates. 2-1-1 and 3-2-1 are the legal rates. anything outside that is a gift. merchant gives you the maximum amount of metal and crystal possible for youre deut, but when selling metal for deut you get the same trade rate reversed and get screwed, plus you have to bargain. If 3-2-1 is the value of res then it shouldnt also be the upper legal trade rate for selling deut.

      I'm not sure but i theorize merchant is used much more by deut sellers than deut buyers, therefore its steadily taking deut out of the game.
      Dor - Cygnus - En