New universe working as league with more levels

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • New universe working as league with more levels

      I got inspired by an idea that I've read long time ago in italian ogame.

      Original idea were talking about to have a number of universes connected to each other, with each one representing a league. Thinking for example at soccer , all players starting to create account in universe X ......... when a player will over a limit of point (or an other kind of limit) , he will be promoted to upper league (and so his account will be moved as in a fusion for next universe).
      Of course moving of account will not be live, but happen for example at end of nay months, or any N months ........... in way to have an amount of accounts.
      In this way players will be forced to play with players with similar points, power, or number of ships, etc.
      And will exist also retrocession from universe X+3 to X+2 etc.

      An other way to apply this structure could be don't directly linked with points, number of ships, etc ....... but ith rank. So for example after a number N of months first 50 accounts of universe X+1 will be moved to universe X+2 and the last 50 accounts of universe X+1 will be moved to universe X , etc

      An other variant of this idea could be to use a single universe but separation between leguaes will be galaxies. This universe will have more galaxy of standard When a player will create an account his planets will be mandatorily in galaxy 1-2-3-4 . When he will be promoted his planets will be moved to galaxy successive (5-6-7-8), then from 5-6-7-8 to 9-10-11-12 or back to 1-2-3-4 , etc.
      Now i don't know if to create this galaxies as totally closed together or allow some type of fleet movement ; a possibility could be to permit transport and permit attack only from lower league to upper league (and permit for x days at player of upper league to attack same player of lower league after he received an attack from it).

      In this way could have a players more near and more similar.

    • Players want to stay with they're favored friends/enemies. If you tear someone out of their server you'll be breaking up guilds. the current system: a whole alliance can merge into same target uni. Players stay together during transition.

      What i like about this, you wont see green and red players taking up the map: map will be denser with targets.

      Current system doesnt account for long periods of inactivity, it only looks at (age of uni) X (res factor). your system will keep accounts more equal rankwise. if you make friends with someone outside youre rank range it was prob' just conversation and small trades.

      Give some wiggle room: a rank range where moving up is optional and not yet forced.
      Dor - Cygnus - En
    • What is the improvement of having players of similar rank (i guess point levels?) near you? I like the diversity through all galaxies. And not being able to settle in all galaxies with 1+ planets is restrictive. For farming AND trading purposes. Imagine a newbie in your alliance in g4 to need a moon. While the rest of the alliance is in G9&10 :(