Hello everybody !
I've created a script that give you the possibility to export in BBCODE the table of comparison from mmorpg-stat for forum.
- Version: 1.0
- Author: Choubakawa
- Support: Choubakawa on OpenUserJS orGithub
- Browser: Tested with Chrome
- Languages: language you use on mmorpg-stat.eu/
To install this script you can click on one of those links:
- OpenUserJS: openuserjs.org/install/Choubak…BCODE_mmorpg-stat.user.js
- (If OpenUserJS is dead) Github: github.com/Choubakawa/Export-B…BOCDE-mmorpg-stat.user.js
Export on a forumactif forum:
Export on this forum:
Comparaison entre joueurs univers Fornax [fr] Alliance: [Planeta] Date évolution : 01-08-17 / 31-08-2017
Joueur | Place | Points | évolution | % | Par jour | |
1 | Lord Oneill | 8 | 471 858 930 | +7 263 108 | (+2%) | (+234 294) |
2 | darkpredator | 20 | 344 763 019 | +5 439 320 | (+2%) | (+175 462) |
3 | Choubakawa | 17 | 385 706 717 | +2 236 525 | (+1%) | (+72 146) |
4 | uke | 40 | 227 482 057 | +1 636 135 | (+1%) | (+52 779) |
5 | Alfonse Brown | 59 | 169 509 048 | 0 | (0%) | (0) |
6 | zouzou77 | 72 | 151 757 363 | 0 | (0%) | (0) |
7 | Capitaine A | 1 171 | 4 611 730 | 0 | (0%) | (0) |
From mmorpg-stat.eu with Export BBCODE mmorpg-stat by Choubakawa

My pride:

The post was edited 4 times, last by Choubakawa ().