Version 6.5.0

    • Version 6.5.0

      Dear Players,

      today we updated the testservers to Version 6.5.0.
      Changelog for this version:

      [Feature] Login with e-mail only
      [Feature] Show users still logging in with their username a popup telling them to use their email address to log in
      [Feature] Show users after registration their random username and a hint how to change it
      [Feature] Technical-Redesign of buddy page
      [Feature] Technical-Redesign of main menu (left side menu)
      [Bugfix] xml-api: playerData doesn't work

      [Feature] Hint on login field regarding the change to login with e-mail instead of username
      [Feature] Add of "Forgotten Email" option on startpage
      [Feature] Change of Registration form - Default random nickname
      [Feature] Players can now filter the universe selection menu when registering.

      Change of registration
      To register you just need now an e-mail and password. As default you get now a random nickname, you can change the nickname afterwards.
      After you are logged in you get an info popup, which gives you the hint where to change your nickname.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief