Let Non-Commander players get full usage of KRACKEN and NEWTRON items

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    • Let Non-Commander players get full usage of KRACKEN and NEWTRON items

      For players without commander, if you have a building or research with 25 minutes left, and use a bronze KRACKEN or NEWTRON item you picked up from Import/Export, the extra 5 minutes of time is lost.

      For players with commander, they can queue up another building or research then use the item to take advantage of that wasted time.

      The 5 minutes in my example isn't a huge deal, but imagine we are talking about a gold item and 25 minutes remaining, where the majority of the time is wasted. This seems unfair.

      I propose that when a time reduction item is used (KRACKEN, DETROID, or NEWTRON) and exceeds the work currently in progress/queued, a timer begins counting down for that extra time. Players can then begin more work, and the remaining time on the timer is applied to that work (potentially even completing it immediately, and beginning a new, shorter timer. This does not give a commander feature (building/research queue) to non commander players, as they still would need to start the next work manually, but would allow them to waste less items.

      While typing this, I just realized this might allow for interesting player strategy as well, where items could be used preemptively to enable the timer, then building immediately built for purposes of a ninja.
    • Just as a side note from myself, this could also benefit commander users. Lets make here an example:

      User with commander, just colonized new planet. He/she then has to start building. Lets say they add 'Solar plant l1, metal l1, crystal l1, solar l2 and metal l2' into the queue. This together still is less than 30 minutes, and is not really worth to use kracken, or Dark Matter to speed things up (unless you have tons of Dark Matter, and you really dont care about spending some for so small benefit).

      I see this suggestion as beneficial to both commander as well as non-commander users.