Improvement of Newtron Boosters

    • Research

    • Improvement of Newtron Boosters

      Well, here's my simple request:

      Newtron boosters knock 6 hours, 2 hours, or a half hour off researches currently.

      While in a young universe this may be significant, it's rather useless a few months into a Uni, or even, like myself, years into an account.

      For instance, with IRN 9 with all level 15 labs involved, my very shortest research in my x4 speed Uni is 2 weeks 4 days.

      It seems worthless to knock off even 6 hours off that. Yes, yes, I realize I could speed things up with more IRN levels, more labs, and/or even spending a little dark matter. However, wouldn't it be nice if the "bonus" of the Newtron received in auction or daily item was REALLY a bonus?

      So my proposal is a little better but I don't think it's a huge game altering deal:

      Make the Newtrons based on research give a decrease not in hours off but in PERCENTAGE of time off.

      So you'd have Gold = 30% off, Silver = 20% off, and Bronze = 10% off

      Now I might have missed some major loop hole why this would undo some major game balance but I think it's worth some consideration.

      If someone think's I'm crazy, well...I am, but tell me why this couldn't work and be a little sweeter for us without also giving away too much.