The columns from for example the metal mine at the techinfo are now: level, production/h, difference, difference/level, energy balance, difference and protected.
I'm not very interested in those difference columns and would like to remove them. Because it's simple to calculate them with a calculator. If you want to know how much you produce more when you upgrade the metal mine from level 29 to level 30 just do: production lvl 30 - production lvl 29. would like to replace them with the costs for the metal mine.
The columns would be then: level, metal cost, crystal cost, production/h, energy balance and protected.
I'm not very interested in those difference columns and would like to remove them. Because it's simple to calculate them with a calculator. If you want to know how much you produce more when you upgrade the metal mine from level 29 to level 30 just do: production lvl 30 - production lvl 29. would like to replace them with the costs for the metal mine.
The columns would be then: level, metal cost, crystal cost, production/h, energy balance and protected.